JAKARTA - A year on, Prince Harry and Meghan Markle will conduct their first public interview via a television program. Interestingly, they will talk to Oprah Winfrey for two special episodes.

Aired on CBS, this interview is about everything they did after giving up their status as a member of the Kingdom. Starting from the marriage, Meghan became a mother, as well as how they manage their life under public pressure.

Harry and Meghan also shared about their move to the United States and their hopes for the future.

Buckingham Palace officials are reluctant to comment on this interview because as non-monarchs, they do not need to inform the kingdom about media activity.

This news was also given a few days after Meghan Markle won a hearing regarding a privacy claim against The Mail on Sunday.

Host Oprah Winfrey is one of Meghan Markle's close friends who also attended her wedding in May 2018.

This news was announced a day after the couple announced Meghan was pregnant with their second child.

These interviews can be found in two episodes of prime time specials that will air on CBS on March 7th.

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