Benefits Of Honey-Mixed Apple Cuka That People Rarely Know
Benefits Of Honey-Mixed Apple Cuka (Igal Ness-Unsplash Image)

YOGYAKARTA - When talking about apple vinegar, of course this material is made from the apple fermentation process. But what about the benefits of apple vinegar mixed with honey?

The reason is, apple vinegar is an herbal ingredient that is often used as a mixture of cooking. Apple Cuka is quite popular as a diet drug because the acid content of acetate in it can increase the AMPK enzyme which can maximize the body's metabolic process and lose weight. Wow! But what is the effect when mixed with honey?

1. Can Improve Heart Health

The reason is that in apple vinegar vinegar there is a chlorogenic acid content which is considered to be able to overcome problems with the content of bad cholesterol or LDL so that it has the potential to reduce the risk of heart disease. Honey also has almost the same effect.

If you consume a combination of apple vinegar vinegar and honey, then the efficacy capabilities that can be obtained include:

The efficacy of apple vinegar vinegar and honey above is very influential on heart health, you know! All of that is thanks to the content of polyphenolic antioxidants in it. However, further research is still needed to really know about the benefits of apple and honey vinegar.

2. Help Reduce Weight

As we talked about earlier, apple vinegar vinegar is considered efficient to reduce weight because it has a tested acetate acid that can make you feel full longer. This efficacy can last because apple vinegar can slow the absorption of some nutrients into the bloodstream.

Some research also shows that honey can be profitable to reduce weight if used as a substitute for sugar. Honey can help reduce appetite throughout the day and reduce a little weight and fat.

However, keep in mind that honey is still a high calorie food. So if you want to experience the benefits of apple vinegar vinegar and honey to reduce weight, it should be consumed as much as necessary in moderate quantities.

3. Relieve Symptoms Of Allergy And Cold

For the next benefit of apple vinegar vinegar mixed with honey, it can be obtained from its natural antimicrobial properties. Honey has a small amount of powder and plant compounds that can help eliminate seasonal allergies such as allergic rinitis or runny nose.

In addition, the content of probiotics in apple vinegar vinegar can help nourish the digestion and increase immunity in the body. This can help the body's ability to fight the onslaught of the colds that hit. The combination of the two can also help relieve cough caused by the symptoms of a cold.

4. Healthy Skin

The efficacy of apple and honey vinegar can also be felt when used topically. Apple cuka has been widely used to tackle some skin conditions such as dry skin and eczema. The reason is, apple vinegar can help balance natural pH on the skin. Its anti-inflammatory properties also help strengthen skin protection arrangements and prevent disease infection, including eczema.

Meanwhile, honey has long been used as a traditional beauty concoction. This is not without reason because honey is rich in various ingredients that can nourish the skin, such as anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial components.

This content makes honey believed to be able to relieve acne and accelerate the healing of wounds on the skin.

Even so, until now there has been no research specifically related to the impact of the combination of apple vinegar vinegar and honey on the skin. So, if you want to try this combination, you should first ask the dermatologist whether our skin is suitable or not so as not to be affected by side effects that are not expected.

5. Prevent disease

The end of the benefits can prevent disease. The antioxidant content in honey and apple juice vinegar serves very important to block free radical effects that can cause various diseases. Some of the consequences of free radicals include cancer, premature aging and dementia.

So that's some of the benefits if we mix honey with apple cup. How? Are you interested in trying it?

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