YOGYAKARTA - People with high blood pressure or hypertension need to be picky or consider when they are going to undergo a family planning program (KB). Not all types of KB pills are free to use by high blood patients because if they are not suitable it will cause health problems. So what is KB that is safe for people with hypertension?

Families who want to undergo a family plan program need to remember that medical history plays an important role in the smooth running of the family planning program. People with hypertension need to be more careful in having the right KB method. That is, experiencing the selection of contraceptives must be adjusted to the lifestyle and body condition.

There are several types of contraception that can be used by each family. Therefore, for those of you who experience high blood pressure, know the KB program which is safe for people with hypertension.

People with hypertension need to know how to determine suitable or appropriate contraceptives. Although not all contraceptive methods can be used freely by people with hypertension, here are KB which is safe for people with high blood pressure:

KB implants for high blood patients are often chosen for the program to prevent pregnancy. This type of family planning uses a small stem that is injected by medical personnel into the patient's arm. KB implants can last for 3-5 years, depending on the type used.

The way this KB program works is by releasing a type of progestin (not estrogen) and preventing ovulation. This type of family planning is quite popular and is widely chosen by women because it has 99% effectiveness.

KB pills or lactation pills contain the hormone progesteron that is safe to use for people with hypertension. One of the many and commonly used lactation pill products in Indonesia is the Mainstay Lactation KB pill. These KB pills contain 28 pills each containing 0.5 mg Linestrenol/hormon progesterons.

These birth control pills are the choice of many people because they have an effectiveness of up to 91% to prevent pregnancy for husband and wife. However, people with hypertension need to choose the right dose of birth control pills so as not to cause excessive impact. Because excessive use of family planning can increase blood pressure higher.

3 months of KB injection is also a suitable program for people with hypertension. This KB program generally contains progesteron hormones with an effectiveness of almost 99% But the use of KB is not recommended if it is in high blood pressure at a certain rate, namely systolic blood pressure of more than 160 and diastolic blood of more than 100.

IUD is a KB program suitable for use by hypertension sufferers. This KB has a form T and is inserted into the uterus. This method is widely chosen because it is considered to provide up to 99% effectiveness.

IUD can last for 10 years in some women. This KB tool is considered as a hormone-free contraception and is more suitable for high blood patients without worrying about the risk of other diseases.

Condoms are a choice of hormone-free contraceptives commonly used by men and women. This method includes contraceptives that can protect against sexually transmitted infections (IMS). This type of contraceptive tool is in great demand because it can be bought easily in pharmacies and minimarkets.

However, the use of condoms needs to be considered so as not to miss or to prevent pregnancy from happening. When using this contraceptive device, avoid using chemical lubricants.

Those are some KB programs that are safe for people with hypertension or high blood pressure. Hypertension sufferers can choose one of the types of family planning above according to their respective needs and conditions. The choice of family planning must be carried out appropriately, because if it is wrong it will cause a dangerous impact on health.

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