YOGYAKARTA Stomach bloating is a disturbance in the digestive tract system that can be experienced by anyone, both toddlers, children and adults. Stomach bloating is caused by the production of excess gas in the digestive system. In addition, bloating stomach can also be caused by eating food and drinks that are difficult for the body to accept. So, what are the foods and drinks that cause the stomach to swell?

Summarized from various sources, Sunday, November 19, 2023, here are a row of food and drinks that can cause stomach bloating:

1. Nuts

The fiber content in the beans can increase gas production in the intestines, causing the stomach to become bloating.

In addition, most of the nuts contain sugar called alpha-galactocide which is included in the carbihydrate group (Fermentable Oligosakaride, Disakaride, Monosokaride, and Poliol).

When it enters the body, this carbohydrate will be fermented by colon bacteria. For healthy people, FODMAP can be a fuel for digestive bacteria.

However, these carbohydrates can cause problems in the digestive tract system such as bloating in people with large intestine irritation.

2. Milk and processed products

Milk and processed products, such as cheese, yogurt, and ice cream contain natural sweeteners called lactose. The buildup of lactose in the intestines can increase gas production and trigger flatulence.

3. Fat food

Eating fatty foods, such as fried foods and fatty meats can slow down the digestive process that makes the food in the digestive tract for a long time. This condition can increase gas production in digestion so as to increase the risk of flatulence.

4. Carbonated drinks

Carbonated drinks or so-called soft drinks are a type of drink that contains carbon dioxide gas and can certainly trigger bloating stomachs.

Not only that, but soft drinks also contain sorbitol and fructose that contributes to excess gas in digestion.

5. Wheat

Inside the gandung is a protein called gluten. For people with celiac disease that is sensitive to gluten, consumption of wheat can cause problems in the digestive tract, including the stomach.

In addition, wheat is a source of FODMAP which can increase excess gas production in the digestive tract system.

6. Crujoous type vegetables

Crucese vegetables such as broccoli, cabbage, cauliflower, and asparagus can actually cause bloating stomachs. This type of vegetable contains fiber and raffinosa which can affect gas production in digestion.

However, these vegetables include high-fiber foods so they are good for health as long as they are within reasonable limits.

7. Alcoholic drinks

One of the side effects that may arise after someone consumes excessive amounts of alcoholic beverages is a bloating stomach.

It should be noted that alcohol is one of the inflammatory compounds that can cause swelling in the body, including in the stomach.

The effect of inflammation can get worse when alcohol is mixed with soft drinks. Therefore, don't be surprised if your mouth becomes bloating after drinking alcoholic beverages.

That's information about food and drinks that cause flatulence. Hopefully this article can add insight to the loyal readers of VOI.ID.

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