JAKARTA - Mawar de Jongh is back with the latest single entitled Cinta Aku Bisa What was released today, Friday, November 10. No less productive with her activities as an actress, Cinta Aku Bisa Apa is the third single released by Mawar. Previously, she released Not Cheated on Juicy Luicy, and First and Last Love.

Love I Can What is the story of a couple who has been in a relationship. Going badly, both of them have other opinions to maintain a relationship.

Mawar feels happy to be back as a singer. He also shared how his unique experience was when he first heard the song this time.

"Initially, I was contacted by Sis Simhala Avadana, AnR Trinity Optima Production which is my music label and she told about Cinta Aku Bisa Apa. I was also played with the song and immediately liked it. It feels like I experienced the story in the song even though I didn't," said Mawar de Jongh in his statement, Friday, November 10.

The recording process for the song is said to be quite challenging for Mawar. The reason is, this song has a wide range of notes. In addition, he also has to fill out the background vocals.

This song is quite challenging because there are some parts that are quite difficult to sing. The notes are also varied, some are quite high and low. Even I fill in vocal backing," said Mawar.

"I took a few times during the recording, but I'm comfortable and happy because I'm very supportive," he said.

This single release is also equipped with a video clip with a theatrical concept that adjusts the lyrics of the song. Mawar herself plays the character of the woman in the video clip.

Mawar hopes that her latest single can be enjoyed by listeners, especially those who have the same story as what is told in the song Cinta Aku Can What.

"Hopefully, I can be a voice for friends who are experiencing the same incident at Cinta I Can What. Hopefully you don't feel alone and hopefully I can accompany your days through this song," concluded Mawar de Jongh.

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