The Story Of Achmad Albar Debuting Playing Movies Thanks To The Help Of Camelia Malik's Father
Achmad Albar and Fachry Albar (Instagram/@aialbar)

JAKARTA - The legendary musician and singer of the band Godbless, Achmad Albar, shared his experience when he was offered to play in films. Iyek, Achmad Albar's nickname, said that this was the first time he was 11 years old.

He told me that Camelia Malik's father offered himself to play in a film called General Kancil. At that time, the father of Camelia Malik, Djamaludin Malik, owned a film company.

"Ayah Camelia Malik itu punya perusahaan film. Saat itu pertnernya Usmar Ismail. Pada saat itu usia saya 10 atau 11, jadi saya turut main di film Jenderal Kancil," kata Ahmad Albar dalam konferensi pers virtual, Kamis, 2 November.

Having no experience in acting, Iyek admitted that it took 2 to 3 times to casting to earn a role as a general in the film.

"Just be enthusiastic. But yes, I followed the casting at that time. About 2 to 3 castings. Finally, I was accepted to be the general. So, I became a general little bit," said Ahmad.

Unexpectedly, his debut film turned out to be the best child film at the Singapore Film Festival where at that time the film was a mandatory spectacle for children.

"I'm very proud. Because when I was in the Netherlands, I heard that the film General Kancil was the best child film at the Film Festival in Singapore. At that time, the film was required to be watched by children at SD Negeri," explained Ahmad Albar.

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