YOGYAKARTA - In the interview stage, recruiters certainly want to know you further. That's why you are often asked to describe yourself. You are required to establish yourself in a professional context, with the method of relating your experience and qualifications to be relevant to the candidate you are looking for. Want to know some ways to answer self-description questions during work interviews?

Make it clearer, learn how to describe yourself below.

1. Understand the Proposed Position Work Description

Saat sebelum menanggapi pertanyaan interviewer mengenai penggarah diri, ngangangangangangangannya tebakalnya telah menguasai dengan baik penggaman pekerjaan buat posisi yang kamu laman. Tidak hanya itu, mencari pula calon karyawan seperti apa yang mereka cari dan mereka butuhkan untuk mengisi posisi yang ada.

After that, all the data you have regarding job description, the type of worker needed, and other requirements, you just connect with your abilities, expertise, and educational background as well as the knowledge you have. It's even better if you also have experience that is relevant to the position you offer.

2. Confidence and Focus on Positive Things

Join all interview questions with confidence. Confidence will make your heart's gesture better, and make you look genuinely willing to get the position proposed. Rest assured that your skills and skills will be useful for the company, so that in answering you can also speak easily.

Not only that, focus your answers on positive things and use positive words that show your strengths, for example, always be optimistic, able to think critically, observantly, team-players, have integrity, be honest, can be trusted, and so on.

3. Put Your Experience And Knowledge

The reason is, there are procedures that you can use to describe yourself well, namely the STAR method. You can use the STAR method to highlight your experience, knowledge, and abilities. How:

S = Situation: explain the situation or context you are facing.

T = Task: job description, task, or responsibility for you according to the situation above.

A = Action: the actions you take to complete your responsibility.

R =Result: final result.

Determining yourself during an interview session is an opportunity that you should not waste. Because, this is a moment where you need to convince an interviewer that you are potential candidates who deserve to get the position you have. The explanations you share can also be developed from what you have written on CV.

4. Give Impressions If You Are Happy To Learn New Things

Another important thing you need to show recruitment, you are individuals who like to learn new things. Why is this important? Because, the world of work is dynamic. Changes in situation, technology, trends, people's consumption patterns, business competition, can occur at any time and also suddenly. Automatically, everyone involved must be ready and willing to learn again to be able to deal with new challenges, which may also be a new solution.

5. Provide an Example that Supports your Statement

If you have work experience or internship experience, then complete your explanation with examples of problems that support your stories about yourself. Meanwhile, if you are fresh graduate, you can provide examples based on the results of learning, analysis of information that you have lived, or implementation of you in your daily life.

So after knowing how to answer self-description questions during a job interview, see other interesting news on VOI, it's time to revolutionize news!,

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