JAKARTA - In the midst of a pandemic situation like today, inevitably it requires all citizens of the world to wear masks when doing activities outside the home.

The use of masks is indeed useful to prevent the risk of Corona Virus transmission. Unfortunately, using masks for hours apparently can cause a number of facial skin problems, such as irritation and acne.

This skin problem can arise due to lack of air circulation in areas that are often covered by masks. As a result, the skin becomes moist and clogged pores.

This factor is what causes acne to appear on its own. Not to mention the friction of the mask material with the skin can cause irritation, especially for those with sensitive skin.

So that you don't get acne and irritation easily when wearing a mask, try reading the following tips.

Choose a Cotton Mask

So that your skin doesn't get acne prone when wearing a mask, try choosing a mask made from cotton. Cotton has softer fibers so it is safe in contact with skin. Just like skincare, choosing the right mask material is the first step to saving your skin from acne problems.

Diligently Apply Petroleum Jelly

The mineral content in petroleum jelly is very good for moisturizing the skin. Diligently applying petroleum jelly to the face that is often in contact with the mask can prevent irritation.

Avoid Overuse of Make-up

For those of you who are used to using makeup outside the home, it must be hard to leave this habit. For the sake of facial skin safety, try to temporarily stop using excess makeup when using a mask.

The reason is, the combination of masks plus makeup actually helps accelerate the appearance of acne on the face. As much as possible, avoid using foundation because this product works to close facial pores. When combined with a mask, there is no room for your facial skin to breathe. Just use powder and if necessary, just emphasize the eye makeup.

Change Masks Periodically

At the end of the day, don't forget to change your mask even if you don't sweat a lot. Remember, it should still be invisible, but the negative residue from the skin will stick to the mask, causing acne. After all, you definitely don't want to be mistaken for being dirty because you wear masks repeatedly, right?

Treat Acne with Benzoyl Peroxide

Then, what if the acne has already appeared? Don't panic, try to treat it with benzoyl peroxide. The content of the benzoyl peroxide formula is effective in inhibiting the growth of acne.

Just dab the gel into the area of the face with acne regularly. Don't forget to always clean your face and hands before using benzoyl peroxide.

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