Often Cough Only At Night, This Is The Cause According To The Doctor
Illustration of the cause of cough only at night according to doctors (Freepik/8photo)

YOGYAKARTA Cough is generally triggered by viruses or bacterial exposure. But if you cough frequently only at night, it turns out to be caused by a number of factors. The common trigger, because of postnasal droplets or constant mucus from the airway is located at the top of the sine and throat.

According to an ear, nose, and throat specialist, Dr. Neil Bhattacharyya, during the day you are more often taking up the position of the body upright. Therefore, postnasal liquid flows naturally with the help of gravity. But when you are lying down, you lose gravitational rock. Lendir will accumulate behind the throat. Or if you live part of the mucus and enter the lungs it will trigger a damp cough that produces phlegm or mucus.

Launching Harvard Health, Thursday, October 19, GERD disease can also trigger coughing at night. During rest time or getting ready to sleep, acid in the stomach does not flow naturally into the intestines and is easier to experience reflux. Bhattcharyya explains, when acid enters the sound band, you start coughing. In severe cases, acid enters the throat and causes irritation.

Coughing only at night, can also be caused by side effects of treatment. Some medications, for example, ACE inhibitors such as lysinopril or enalapril which are used to treat high blood pressure and heart disease, can cause dry cough side effects.

"In the day you may feel like you need to be in a row. At night, the condition is much worse," said Dr. Bhattacharyya.

The third cause of coughing is only at night, is heart failure. Heart failure is a term for a gradual decrease in the ability of the heart to pump blood to meet the body's needs. When the heart does not pump blood properly, the fluid will rise again and seep into other tissues. In an upright position during the day, gravity forces the fluid into lower extremities. But when you lie down, a number of fluids accumulate in the lungs, this is what makes you cough.

If you cough at night and only last more than a few weeks, it is advisable to see a doctor to cure the most dangerous cause, heart failure. Doctors can also review recipes or drugs you consume that give you a cough effect while lying down.

Apart from medical treatment, for the time being you can do a number of ways to prevent cough at night. First, sleep on a higher pillow. This helps you swallow the secretion well and prevent stomach acid reflux. Second, use a room moisturizer that helps moisturize dry air during winter. Third, take an upright position after eating for one or two hours. In addition to three prevention methods, you can take cough medication or drink a spoon of honey in a cup of tea.

That's an explanation of the cause of coughing only at night and how to treat. It is important to understand, prevention without medical treatment can only be done temporarily. So to find out the diagnosis of the cause and get proper treatment, immediately check with a doctor when experiencing it.

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