JAKARTA - Actress Yoriko Angeline is now enjoying her youth as well as her career in acting. After graduating from Western University of Michigan, Yoriko decided to temporarily return to Indonesia to continue her work in acting.

"I want to work in America, but there is work here, so I decided to come back here, continue work. Yes, I have a new film," said Yoriko Angeline in Kuningan, South Jakarta, Tuesday, October 17.

Seeing this, the actor Wati at the Dilan 1997 film trilogy said that he is currently focusing on his career and has no intention of finding a partner. Even so, Yoriko already has his own criteria for his potential partner.

"I'm focused on careers, I'm still young too, the journey is still long, so I don't think about how. (The criteria) are good, love family, be patient, definitely love me," continued Yoriko.

This 21-year-old woman admits that she is the type of woman who is selective because she is the only daughter in her family. Fortunately, Yoriko's parents also did not force their daughter to have a partner immediately.

"You have to, I'm the only girl with the family, so I have to be selective," continued Yoriko.

"No, mom and dad are always the ones who hang out because I'm the only child, so they never push, always support me in anything I do, they've done it, so you've been doing it as long as it's a positive activity but I never force this, asking for this," he concluded.

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