JAKARTA - Kenduri Serumpun Melayu Film Festival 2023 successfully held its first day on Wednesday, October 11, 2023. Supported by the Directorate of Film, Music, and Media of the Directorate General of Culture, Ministry of Education, Culture, Research and Technology, this festival will be held at the Jambi Cultural Park Complex, Jambi Province.

"By supporting culture through film and of course including film actors/sineas, we from the Directorate of Film, Music and Media team hope that this activity can be a momentum for film development by carrying a Malay culture so that the Indonesian people and Serum and Malay countries are getting closer in the bond of common identity ties," said Edy Suwardi as Chair of the Pokja Appreciation and Film Literacy Team of the Film Directorate of Film, Music and Media of the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology.

"Hopefully, this will not only be an agenda this year, but will also be sustainable. For strategic activities like this, of course, it will receive support from the government, in this case the Ministry of Education and Culture," he continued.

The presence of a film festival in Jambi is also the pride of the Department of Culture and Tourism because international film festivals are present in Jambi.

"This is in line with our ideals and expectations as the Tourism and Culture Office, where this activity also supports culture which ultimately has an impact on tourism in Jambi. In addition, Jambi is currently the Chair of the Malayu World, the Islamic World', a traditional organization for the Serupun Melayu region", said Imron as the Head of the Jambi Province Culture and Tourism Office.


Kenduri Serum Melayu Film Festival 2023 opens with the film Onde Mande directed by Paul Agusta. This film contains a strong cultural element and tells the story of Angku Wan, a retired teacher who won a very large lottery prize which is intended for village development.

"This is an honor and a unique opportunity to be chosen to be the Opening Film Kenduri Serum Melayu Film Festival. I along with all the cast and crew are grateful for the committee's choice. We hope that our film, which tries to tell stories about the daily lives of residents of a village, can touch the audiences of this festival.," said Paul Agusta, director of Onde Mande.

Kenduri Serum Malayu Film Festival presents 60 feature and short films from 5 Melayu Serumpun countries, namely Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore, Brunei Darussalam, and Thailand which are divided into various programs, namely Perspective, Badminton, Back to Roots, Looking At Roots, and Sailing Screens.

Kenduri Serum Melayu Film Festival is also a collaboration between the Sumatra Film Circle, a collection of film communities throughout Sumatra consisting of Aceh Watch, Sinelayu, Taman Screen, Jambi Film Forum, Fattah Creative, Watching Club, and IFCN, as well as collaborating with the Community Forum Jogja-NETPAC Asian Film Festival.

The presence of this festival is expected to be a new chapter in the way of fighting for one of the film festivals in Indonesia in the ranks of Asian film festivals so that we can find, peel, reflect, break the Malay identity to open the window of mind that is the basis for us moving forward with work.

The complete schedule and further information regarding Kenduri Serumpun Melayu Film Festival can be accessed through social media @kendurifilm and website www.kendurifilm.

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