JAKARTA - The spread of the COVID-19 virus is increasingly rampant in Indonesia. Anyone can be affected indiscriminately, including later Indonesian artists. Inul Landista, Dewi Perrsik, Maia Estianty, Wendy Cagur, Ivan Gunawan, Boy William, Ahmad Dhani, and Donna Agnesia have recovered from Corona. Now it is Roy Marten's turn to be infected with the virus.

Monday, February 8th, Roy announced that he had contracted COVID-19 through his Instagram account @roymarten5213. Roy Marten uploaded a black background that read 'Covid 19'.

He also appealed to everyone he had close contact with in the past five days to do a PCR test. "These parents have also had friends who have met the PCR for 5 days", wrote Roy Marten.

Exposure to COVID-19 at the age of 68 is a condition that must be watched out for. Because the elderly have more vulnerable immunity. Because of that, Roy handled it at Mitra Keluarga Hospital, East Bekasi.

"Thank you Mitra Keluarga Hospital, East Bekasi, doctor Erwin, the doctors, and medical personnel who are truly extraordinary in handling it", said Roy Marten.

Support flows for Gading Marten after admitting positive for COVID-19. "Roy got covid. Roy, get well soon", wrote Yati Octavia.

Her two sons also immediately provided support. "Get well soon, my spirit", said Gading Marten in the comment column of his father's post.

"Get well soon, God bless ... luv u dad", said Gibran Marten.

Roy Marten is quite active during the COVID-19 pandemic. He is active in filling in video content for YouTube and several times Roy Marten has been a guest star on talk shows.

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