YOGYAKARTA Did you know that the smell of the mouth is not only caused by the habit of maintaining mouth hygiene or food factors but can be triggered by certain health problems. This means that every aroma indicates a different health condition.

This article will provide information related to a kind of mouth odor that a person can feel through their sense of smell.

Quoted from AI Care, the smell of mouth or halitosis is a health problem that can be experienced by anyone. In some conditions, the smell of the mouth can actually be a sign of a person's health problems.

Health disorders will have an impact on the smell of the mouth with a different aroma. The following are some of the scents that will be smelled based on the possibility of a person suffering from health problems.

Don't think that the aroma of the breath of the mouth like a fruit is a good thing. This condition can indicate that the ketone (rice produced by the liver) levels in the middle body are high. This condition means that there are complications of ketoacidosis diabetics. This means that you most likely have diabetes mellitus because your body is unable to produce insulin hormones.

The smell of breath like garbage indicates that there is a possibility that you may have an infection in the oral area, throat, or even lungs. The use of counterfeit teeth, or other artificial oral organs, to the lack of maintaining the health of your teeth and mouth can also trigger smell like garbage. This happens due to the decay of residual food that is not clean when brushing your teeth. In addition, it can also occur due to inflammation of your gums.

The smell of the mouth can also smell like acetone or Kutek cleaner. But in general, the aroma is similar to a pungent substance. This condition can occur in people who go on a low-carbo diet, such as a keto diet or a paleo diet. When doing so the body will burn the stored fat so that it produces acetone chemicals in the process of burning it.

The smell of acid-scented mouth can indicate that the person has GERD. This can happen because the valve that connects the stomach and esophagus cannot cover it perfectly. When stomach acid rises and esophagus does not cover it perfectly, the acid aroma will come out of the mouth. The air of the acid smell can occur as long as GERD does not really heal.

The smell of the mouth can smell like feces or human feces. This happens because of the obstruction of the intestines, both in the small and large intestines, so that they are unable to move the digested food to come out through the anus. When that happens, the dirt will come back up again until the aroma comes out of the mouth. Even in the case of severe intestinal obstruction, the feces can come out of the mouth.

In medical science, this condition is known as azotemia, namely kidney damage caused by illness or injury. When that happens, the kidneys are unable to remove nitrogen until there is a buildup of chemicals in the body and triggers the smell of urine coming out through the mouth.

The smell of the mouth can also smell pungent. This occurs because of indications of liver health problems such as cirrhosis. This condition occurs due to a buildup of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) in the body when the liver does not work optimally. The cause of this odor can be triggered by the presence of a dimethyl sulfide compound.

The smell of an amicable mouth can be caused by trimethylaminuria, namely enzyme disorders when the body is unable to break trimethylamine.

That's information related to various odors. Visit VOI.ID to get other interesting information.

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