YOGYAKARTA - Now water fry is a cooking utensil that is widely used because it makes it easier to fry food. With this tool you can fry without using oil, but use hot air. Although it can be used to fry chicken, steak, and others, it turns out that there are some foods that should not be cooked with water fry.

Air Fryer is a cooking tool that is in demand because it offers practicality and still produces foods that are crunchy and low in fat. But keep in mind that you don't use water fry carelessly or cook carelessly. So what foods should not be cooked using water fry?

The use of fryer water does make it easier for cooking needs because the method of use is sufficient by adjusting the temperature and inserting food in it. This tool will work automatically to fry food by maturation by hot steam.

However, there are some foods that cannot produce a maximum taste and texture when cooked with water fry. You need to know, Here are some foods that should not be cooked with water fry.

Layered cheese should not be cooked with fryer water. Frying this food using fryer water will actually make it melt and melt to the bottom of the frying before drying. If you want to fry cheese using this tool, it is recommended to coat it first with crunchy and dry liquid flour.

Foods are also not good for cooking water. One of them is beef slices of meat that contain a lot of fat. When fried using fryer water, fat will spread throughout the machine so that the cleaning process is difficult. In addition, meat can also become dry and lose taste.

Cooking rice using similar water fry should not be done either. This tool is not suitable for cooking rice because rice requires a high humidity level to be perfectly cooked. If you cook cooking rice using water fry, the results will not be cooked properly.

You may want to try cooking fresh vegetables with fryer water. But it's best not to do it because vegetables such as lettuce, kale, and spinach are very light or soft. Fresh vegetables will be easily blown away by the airflow around this tool so that they can cause the shape or texture to be damaged.

Using fryer water to roast bread is an unwise idea. On the other hand, bread that should be gentle and delicious can become dry, hard, or even overwhelmed with this tool.

If you want to make popcorn, it's more recommended to use a microwave than a water fryer. Using a water fryer to cook popcorn may not work. Because most of the water fry can't give a high enough temperature to produce popcorn seeds.

Another food that should not be cooked with fryer water is pasta. The use of fryer water to cook raw pasta is not practical, because pasta needs to be cooked in boiling water.

Although technically cooking pasta sauce in a fryer water can be done, the results will not be perfect or chaotic. It's best to only use fryer water to warm the cooked pasta and sauce.

That's a review of foods that should not be cooked with water fry. So if you want to buy fryer water or already have it, avoid using it to fry some of the foods above.

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