JAKARTA - Netizens always look forward to Rayyanza alias Cipung's activities. The second child of Nagita Slavina and Raffi Ahmad already has his own fans. Whatever is done will attract fans.

Like when Nagita invited Rayyanza to visit the integrated dairy farm and milk processing plant MilkLife, in Subang, West Java, last Friday, September 8. This visit was carried out by Nagita to provide education about the benefits of milk and introducing the milk processing process to Cipung, Rayyanza called.

"My children, I used to drink milk as an important intake for their health and development every day. Thank God, they like it and drink milk easily, and what is their favorite is MilkLife because there are many variants of taste and the sugar content is not excessive", Nagita said in a media statement received Thursday, September 14.

"That's why I'm very happy today to be able to invite Cipung to take a look at the cattle farm and the milk processing process for the MilkLife cattle in Subang. Hopefully they will like to drink milk more," Nagita added.

During the farm & factory visit, Nagita and Cipung were invited to tour various farm facilities and milk processing for MilkLife owned by PT Global Dairi Alami. Not only seeing, Nagita and Cipung were also given education about the good and hygienic milk production process. Starting from seeing milk-producing cows on farms, they then saw firsthand the automatic rotary milling party, as well as seeing the processing and packaging of milk until they were finally ready for consumption by the public.

This is the first time I've visited a milk factory, I've learned a lot of new things, from upstream to downstream. I've learned about the importance of choosing the type of cow and its treatment in order to produce the best milk. Also the processing process is high-tech and hygienic, until finally it produces fresh and healthy milk. Even cow's waste is processed and utilized properly so it doesn't add waste around. This is a really good education for me and Cipung," explained Nagita.

Nagita and Cipung's visit to the milk farming and processing of the MilkLife cow was welcomed by the Head of Commercial PT Global Dairi Alami, Soegiono. He praised Nagita Slavina as a millennial moms figure who has great attention to children's health and development. This is in line with the philosophy of MilkLife, which through its products always strives to provide good nutrition and health benefits for the people of Indonesia.

"We certainly feel happy with Nagita's presence with Cipung to see firsthand the MilkLife milk processing process in Subang. Of course this can be an example for other millennials to always build a habit of consuming milk regularly in the family. Milk has a myriad of nutrients that are beneficial for health, both for children and adults," explained Soegiono.

Soegiono explained that PT Global Dairi Alami as the producer of MilkLife, has an integrated farm & milk factory which is the second largest milk factory in Indonesia. Has an area of more than 50 hectares in Subang, West Java, this facility consists of Dairy Farm, Milk Processing Plant, Feed Processing Plant and Biogas Plant. At Dairy Farm, MilkLife pays close attention to the quality of its milk-producing cattle. The cows raised are one of the best dairy cows in the world, namely Friesian Holstein from Australia.

These cows receive special treatment, ranging from giving nutritious feed from Australia and America, which is complete with protein, vitamins, and minerals in order to produce the best fresh milk. The comfort of the cow's cage is also supported by access to clean water, comfortable beds, good air circulation to ensure the cows feel happy like in their natural habitat and the milk production increases," said Soegiono.

While at the Milk Processing Plant, MilkLife ensures that the cow's milk is then processed and packaged using high-tech milk manufacturing technology from Japan. Soegiono said that with this high-tech and highly hygienic process, all MilkLife products have guaranteed freshness and nutritional content to consumers. In addition to having many flavor variants, one of the advantages of MilkLife, namely that there is also a free lactose (torchic free) variant that is formulated through the enzymeatic process so that it is safe to consume for those with lactose allergies and provides a sense of comfort in the stomach.

"Because the cattle farm PT Global Dairi Alami is located in an area that is integrated with the processing site, the MilkLife milk we produce can be guaranteed to be fresh and will not lose its nutritional content. This is the quality that we always maintain so that all MilkLife products can provide maximum benefits for the health of the Indonesian people," Seogiono added.

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