YOGYAKARTA One of the problems that are often encountered in clothing is the presence of mushrooms. Its appearance is not without reason and the impact is quite disturbing. To avoid this, it is recommended to find out what causes the fungus in clothes so that your clothes last and fashion style is maintained.

Please note, mushrooms in clothing usually cause patches or stains brown to black. In addition, clothes affected by mushrooms will emit an unpleasant odor. These mushrooms often appear in clothes with various cloth ingredients. The cause of the appearance of mold in clothes is as follows.

The appearance of mold in clothes or cloth can be caused by its dirty condition and not being washed immediately, either dirty caused by sweat, soil, colored water, and so on. The mushrooms can also grow in dirty clothes that have been piled up in laundry baskets for too long.

The clothes worn all day also have the potential to be overgrown with mushrooms, especially if the clothes are white, the mold that appears will be very visible. It is recommended to immediately wash the clothes that have been worn all day to keep them durable and not overgrown with mushrooms.

The moistness in clothes greatly supports the growth of mushrooms. The feasibility itself can occur for various reasons, for example, moist because of sweat that is not dry or because of room temperature. The potential for mold growth in clothing is getting bigger if the humid clothes are in a stuffy place or not exposed to the wind. It is recommended to hang clothes and place them in an area with smooth air circulation.

The process of washing and drying clothes that are not going well is also able to trigger mold growth. When washing clothes, it is better to do it clean as possible to remove dirt and stains. After that, do the drying of clothes perfectly by drying clothes in the open.

Storage of clothes can be done in cupboards or special rooms. When storing clothes, also pay attention to the cleanliness of the cupboard or room. Avoid dirty, humid, and stuffy rooms because they will trigger the growth of mold so that clothes do not last long.

The habit of hanging clothes is sometimes not good, especially if it is placed in a water source area such as in the bathroom or near a water reservoir. The reason is, the cloth will catch water vapor so that it triggers moisturizing clothes and is overgrown with mold. Try to hang clothes in a dry, clean place, and have good air circulation.

Have you ever dried clothes until it rained because you forgot to lift them? This condition also has the potential to trigger the growth of mushrooms in clothes. To overcome this, the drying process can be broadcast outdoors but remains heavy so that during the rainy season, clothes that are dried do not immediately get wet due to rain.

Weather factors also have the potential to trigger the growth of mold in clothing. However, usually only certain weather, especially the weather with high humidity in the air. To avoid high humidity due to the weather, you are advised to provide new lime to remove the humidity in the cupboard.

That's information about the cause of the mushrooms in clothing. Visit VOI.ID to get other interesting information.

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