In Order To Stay Fertile And Healthy, Here's A Guide To Caring For Ornamental Plants In The Room
Illustration (Huy Phan/Pexels)

JAKARTA - Having indoor ornamental plants functions to beautify the house and make housing a better resting place. You can choose a variety of ornamental plants based on their functions. Starting from air purification plants that can help improve air quality. Herbal plants that add flavor and nutrition to food, as well as flowering plants that are able to improve their mood instantly.

However, choosing to plant ornamental plants also needs to be accompanied by knowledge of caring for them. So that plants do not easily wither and end up dying. So what are the treatment tips that need to be done? Check out the following guidelines.

Caring for plants is a mandatory activity for plant owners. Just like humans, indoor plants have their own personalities. The amount of water and light needed by ornamental plants depends on the type of plant you have. For example, cacti need less water than fern. And flowering plants generally like more light than leaf plants.

In order for all your plants to grow happily, Anil Chandrakumar, a horticultural expert, reported by Reader's Digest, Monday, July 31, considers it important for plant owners to carry out basic activities.

"If you do these things right, then your gardening skills are unquestionable," he said.

"To distinguish whether you have plant care skills, you can see from the amount of water you give to plants," said Chandrakumar.

Indoor ornamental plants should not be doused too often, especially if the soil is still wet.

"If you water too much, it can cause problems like roots rot. And if you water too little, the plant will end up dying," explained Chandrakumar.

To help determine when the plant is ready to water again, pay attention to the color of the soil. If the color is still dark brown, you should do watering two to three days later. Look at the light chocolate, do the watering as soon as possible.

Ornamental plant owners are often fixated on watering activities and forget another important element of plant growth, namely light exposure. Even if you have compiled a perfect watering schedule, plants can end up getting sick if you don't pay attention to lighting.

In general, a distance of one meter from the window is a place that will get light. But there are other factors that influence it. For example, where the direction of the window is facing, the size of the window, and the objects around the window that might block the light from entering.

Putting objects right at this distance will leave a very sharp dark shadow. Most ornamental plants like this place. For example cacti and succulents, as well as plants from Mediterranean-type climates such as bugenvil and pelargonium.

While a distance of 1-2 meters from the window is usually a sweet spot. This place gets a bright but indirect light, especially for windows facing the north. The level of lighting in this place is ideal for most ornamental plants. Plants still get light but not too high so the leaves don't catch fire. The plants that are suitable to be placed here include orchids

Finally, a distance of more than 2 meters from the window will be classified as a place with low light. Only a few ornamental plants are suitable to be placed here. Examples are asspidistra and Emiocculcas.

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