JAKARTA - Do you always complain about your life and always feel that you are the most unlucky in the world? It feels like everyone in your life is just a source of trouble. Before you accuse people around you of being toxic people, it's best to try to introspect yourself first.

It might be hard, to be honest with yourself. But if you feel that life is just full of endless problems, it could be time to check back into yourself.

This is important in changing your life and relationships with other people. Here are 10 signs that you are a toxic person!

1. You always think negatively. You always find trouble in everything and see bad in every aspect of life.

2. Everything must go your way. You seek to control people and reality and will get rid of anyone who gets in your way.

3. You don't hesitate to ask for input from people. However, you end up ignoring that input and doing things your way. You get angry if what is said is not what you want.

4. You always feel like a victim. You are always looking for a scapegoat for all problems. According to you, all problems originate from other people, not with yourself.

5. You find it easier to see the bad in others than the good.

6. Gossip has become a hotbed and you always want to be the first to know everything about everyone. You also like to talk about someone behind their back and even like to divulge secrets.

7. You look bad in the mood all the time. People tend to be careful when they want to deal with you because they can't guess what your mood is.

8. You are selfish when giving opinions. You are not really trying to provide input or solutions according to the person's conditions and situation. You're only giving advice based on your own cynicism and taste.

9. You always criticize and judge other people's lives. In your opinion, everyone is no good, except yourself. You often get upset thinking about the nature of the people around you, even though they haven't done anything wrong.

10. You have a hard time forgiving others. The mistakes of people in the past are constantly being brought up and you take advantage of this moment to intimidate, threaten, and emotionally coerce others.

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