JAKARTA - It's natural that the quality of your vision begins to change with age. But getting older can also increase the risk of serious eye problems that can cause loss of sight. So what can you do to keep your vision in the best condition?
"For every stage achieved in life, different parts of the human body require different types of care and attention as well. Including the eyes", said Roselyn Ahua, OD, FAAO, an ophthalmologist who works at the Veterans Medical Center in Charlotte, North Carolina, as reported by Livestrong, Monday, July 24.
In fact, many of the healthy habits will really help protect your eyes. Here's Dr. Ahua shares the strategy she uses to maintain her sight.
Like wearing sunscreen, wearing glasses should be a routine habit.
"One of the most impactable things that can be done is to protect the eyes from UV exposure," said Dr. Ahua.
Just like the sun's UV light that can cause damage to the skin, this beam can also endanger the eye. The chronic exposure can increase the risk of cancer growth on the eye's surface and cause eye changes associated with age-related macular degeneracy.
To get maximum protection, choose sunglasses that protect against UVA and UVB light, advises Johns Hopkins Medicine. Make sure your glasses cover your face too, because if not, sunlight can enter through its sides.
If you are suffering from diabetes or high blood pressure, consult your doctor to make sure your condition is managed properly. By taking the drug according to the prescription and following a healthy lifestyle habit.
'Dialebites are one of the five main causes of visual impairment in the world. Hypertension can also cause various complications. Including cataracts, visual distortion, abnormal bleeding. Even blindness," said Dr. Ahua.
If you don't have this health problem, then vision problems can be minimized by eating healthy foods, exercising regularly, managing stress, and maintaining ideal weight.
Eye examination is more than just an examination to confirm the prescription for glasses or contact lenses. An ophthalmologist also sees eye health to see early signs of a possible problem.
"Some eye changes cannot be felt or felt until severe damage occurs. Evaluation is very important to determine conditions such as cataracts, glaukuma, diabetes changes, damage to kidney tissue, macular changes and other manifestations of eye disease," said Dr. Ahua.
Eating the right food helps keep your body in optimal condition from head to toe, including your eyes.
"The problem of vision can be influenced by a lack of vitamins," said Dr. Ahua.
The American Academy of Ophthalmology says you can reduce the risk of macula degeneracy related to age, cataracts, and dry eyes by eating foods rich in vitamins C, vitamins E, Zinc, Lutein, and zeaxanthin.
In addition to consuming healthy foods, paying attention to exercise, rest, and stress levels also help have a healthier body as a whole, including the eye.
Intention to exercise lightly at least 30 minutes a day a week, try to sleep seven to eight hours at night, and find the right strategy to help you control your stress or anxiety.
Smoking increases the risk of serious health problems including cancer, heart disease, lung disease, diabetes, and chronic respiratory problems. And it can be harmful to your eyes.
"Smoking can cause dry eyes, increase the development of cataracts, and significantly increase the risk of macular degeneracy regarding age," said Dr. Ahua.
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