8 Brain Boosters To Prevent Memory Loss
Illustration of tricks to prevent memory loss and strengthen the brain (Freepic)

YOGYAKARTA With age, the work of human memory will weaken. Even words that usually accelerate can stop at the tip of the tongue because memory is starting to stop being agile. To prevent brain memory from getting weaker, you don't have to give up. You can take the following simple steps that help keep your brain performance sharp as you get older.

30 minutes of walking every day is one of the best things the body can do, including affecting the brain. According to the director of the Memory Disorder Program at the University ofturbation Medical Center, R. Scott Turner, MD., Ph.D., physical exercise has proven to have good benefits for maintaining memory and mental function of aging. In addition, exercise can help prevent memory loss due to diabetes, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, obesity, and stroke.

The Mediterranean diet, including a healthy diet that is good for your brain. Good evidence for a Mediterranean-style diet was confirmed by Argye Hillis, MD., professor of neurology at Johns Hopkins Medicine. Hillis says, many consumptions of fruits and vegetables, fish, and olive oil instead of pizza and pasta. One study reported by WebMD, Sunday, July 23, found that people who took part in this diet were almost 20% less likely to have thoughts and memories.

Brain work doesn't have to do a tough project. But said the director of geriatric psychiatry at Duke University School of Medicine, Mustafa Husain, MD., just like physical training, mental training is good for you. Mental exercise can be done by watching football matches with friends, playing cards, joining book clubs, and playing brain training applications. Any mentally challenging activity will keep your mind sharp.

Meet friends and stay socially active, good for your brain. Obviously Turner, the more social connections a person has, the better they will maintain mental and memory functions. Social interactions also help memories because they help your mood.

Normal and sound sleep hours help maintain concentration and attention rather than lack sleep. Then set your bedtime at the same hour every night and wake up the same morning every day. To get it, avoid drinking caffeine before bedtime and eating big near bedtime.

Stress has a bad effect on the brain, because it increases cortisol so that it is difficult to extract information from your brain. So, try various ways to manage stress, starting from relaxation, meditation, yoga, or massage.

Sometimes medical conditions can cause memory loss. These include depression, diabetes, thyroid disease, and vitamin deficiency. Certain drugs such as sleeping pills and antidepressants can also affect your ability to remember. Then meet your doctor to be examined and treated for this problem and to check all your drugs.

When you have a day-to-day memory problem, it's a good idea to do some tricks. For example, every time you learn a name or new word, say loudly to lock in the brain. You can also link the word to the image. For example, if you meet someone named April, imagine a tree blooms to represent April.

Those are eight brain booster tips to keep memory locked. In addition to these eight tips, making reminders can help a little, such as reminders for taking medication or reminders when you have to go to important meetings.

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