JAKARTA - Mario Teguh's clarification in the press release uploaded via his Instagram account was responded to by Djamalludin Koedoeboen as the reporter's attorney, Sunyoto Indra Prayitno.

Djamalluddin questioned the statement in the press release which stated that he had lied. He also challenged Mario Teguh to an open debate to prove his client's report.

"We challenge it, let's just have an open debate. If not, just come to the police station later, ask for legal accountability so that it is clear, so that there is no lies between us," said Djamalludin Koedoeboen when contacted by the media crew on Monday, July 17.

The complainant's attorney was confused by the accusation of a liar called Mario Teguh's side. The reason is, the report from his client has been well received by the police.

"How can we lie, we make it up, we are hoaxes, then the police can accept our Police Report (LP). If the police receive our LP, it means that the requirements by making the LP have met the elements with various kinds of arguments that we will convey," said Djamalluddin.

"If what we say is not logical, not true, there is no legal fact, then one hundred percent of the police reject our LP. That's the legal logic," he continued.

Djamalluddin also talked about the summons that had been sent by Mario Teguh. He admitted that he had received the summons, but refused to apologize.

"What's wrong with me? If it's his fault it's clearly in me, I have everything," he said.

Previously, Sunyoto Indra Prayitno reported Mario Teguh on suspicion of fraud to the Polda Metro Jaya last week. He admitted that he had lost Rp 5 billion due to his collaboration with the 67-year-old motivator that did not run smoothly.

However, Mario Teguh responded to a statement from Sunyoto's attorney to the media crew through a press release made by his legal team.

For information, the report against Mario Teguh has been registered with the number LP/B/3505/VI/2023/SPKT/POLDA METRO JAYA.

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