JAKARTA - Chelsea Islan is known as one of the best actresses of her generation. Not only acting in front of the camera, the 28-year-old actress has also appeared on the theater stage several times.
In the near future, Chelsea Islan will return to the theater stage. He will play in a theater show titled Ariyah from the Ancol Bridge produced by Titimanangsa. This time was his 5th appearance in theater, following his professional acting debut in 2013.
Chelsea Islan is happy to be back playing theater, after playing in Nusa Yang Hilang (2021) for the last time. He was moved to be able to return to acting directly in front of the audience.
"This is the first time back to the theater after two years. It's like returning to the roots, because when I was a child I was originally from a theater. There was emotion and mixed up," Chelsea Islan said during a press conference in Menteng, Central Jakarta last week.
Starting acting as she is still in school, Chelsea Islan calls the theater that introduces her to the world of acting. He even called the theater that gave birth to her an actress.
"Without a theater I can't be like this. The theater was from the start before playing the film. It's like the one who gave birth to me was a theater. That's why there were feelings such as sadness and emotion (when I returned to the theater stage). So I'm grateful," said Chelsea Islan.
In the Ariyah theater performance from Ancol Bridge, Chelsea Islan played the main character, Ariyah. He will compete acting with Mikha Tambayong, Ario Bayu, Gusty Pratama, Lucky Moniaga, Derry Oktami, Sarah Tjia, Rahayu Saraswati, Ririn Ekawati, Join Bayuwinanda, Josh total and Siko Setyanto.
Happy Salma as the producer said that this theater performance was presented to provide a new taste for role connoisseurs. He wants to offer a horror story that has a different sensation than the one shown in the film.
If you usually watch horror films that are very tense, imagine how it is realized on stage. Not only provides an inner experience, but also other sensations that arise in the performance area," said Happy Salma.
"In addition, we can also see another perspective from the history in Indonesia, that urban legends themselves are not something aimed at scaring, but it is a psychological and sociological reflection of society around them," he continued.
Meanwhile, Heliana Sinaga as the director said that the performance was presented with the idea of solidarity with each other. There will be two grooves that will make the performance more dynamic.
The Ariyah of the Ancol Bridge is a performance based on urban legends based on the idea of solidarity or brotherhood among women. Text and its stage is downstream going home between the past and the present, but it is intertwining to make this performance more dynamic and intense," said Heliana.
This performance began in the 1817s where Ariyah, a woman who guaranteed her mother's debt to Juragan Tambas. However, when they could not pay their debts, Ariyah was forced to become Juragan's young wife.
The rebellion from Ariyah's lover, Karim finally led to the tragedy and death of the two. Ariyah's body was dumped from the Ancol Bridge, while Karim's body was unknown. Ariyah, who never felt she was dead, finally showed herself looking for her lover. He also showed up because he didn't have time to apologize and say goodbye to his mother after his proposal became a guarantee that the debt ended in disaster.
In today's time, it is Ariyah who is a fan who meets Yulia, Yudha, and Aunt Mus who are trying to face the land mafia named Bos Mintarjo who threatens their home. In the process, the relationship between the past and the aroma of cinnamon is the key in solving mysteries involving love, revenge, and courage.
The Ariyah theater show from the Ancol Bridge will take place on 27-28 July at the Jakarta Theater, Taman Ismail Marzuki.
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