Pollution of the air and exposure to sunlight can dry and unhealthy skin. To protect and care for the skin from exposure to the sun and pollution, a suitable treatment is needed.

"In a situation like this, the exposure to the sun, which is so intense and the impact of air pollution, can almost be said to be urgent for those of us who are fully active to realize the importance of skin care and protection in order to protect ourselves from the bad effects that can be caused by excessive sunlight and bad air," said the beauty specialist from the NMW clinic dr. Nataliani Mawardi quoted from ANTARA, Tuesday, June 27.

Nat added that complete skin protection and care include protection and care before, during and after outdoor activities, especially during the most massive exposure to the sun. He recommended not to do outdoor activities when the sun shines the hottest, around 10 in the morning until 2 in the afternoon.

Care and skin protection before outdoor activities include using a sunscreen or even sunblock when needed.

"Sunscreen can absorb into our skin, protect against the bad effects of UVA and UVB, while sunblocks are able to reflect sunlight from the skin. We must be grateful to be Indonesians, living in a tropical country with dark skin has a good meaning. Brown or dark skin has high melanin levels so it is well protected from sunlight by breaking the formation of pigmentation," said Nat.

In addition, it is also important to have a habit of living a healthy lifestyle such as maintaining body hydration by drinking enough water and ensuring good nutritional intake such as fruit and vegetables.

Protection is also important when outdoor activities, especially when exposed to pungent sunlight. In addition to using sunscreen, also make sure to use additional protections such as comfortable clothes that cover the skin, hat or umbrella.

At the end of the day, after returning home, the most basic care is bathing and washing your face. Basic care can include the use of facial, toner, moisturizing and serum-specific soaps.

Nat suggests that after washing your face and using a toner, use a vitamin C serum or other ingredients that function to hydrate and protect the skin from free radicals such as pollution. After the serum, use a moisturizer to maintain skin moisture.

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