These 5 Diseases Can Be Prevented By Consuming Shiitake Mushrooms
Illustration of shiitake mushrooms and herbs (Unsplash/Joan Tran)

JAKARTA - Shiitake mushrooms are very popular in East Asia. Because it has a delicious taste, many people like it. This light brown to dark brown fungus grows naturally on rotting cambium tree trunks.

Currently, about 83% is grown in Japan although the United States, Canada, Singapore, and China also grow this fungus. Not only freshly eaten, but shiitake mushrooms are also dried and used as food supplements.

Shiitake contains low calories. The fiber in it is also of good quality plus the content of B vitamins and several good minerals that can fight various diseases. In addition, shiitake contains amino acids equivalent to meat.

Shiitake mushrooms have long been used in traditional Chinese medicine. As reported by Healthline, shiitake mushrooms are also used for healing in Japan, Korea, and eastern Russia. What diseases can shiitake mushrooms cure? Here's the list.


Scientific research conducted at the Institute of Biotechnology at the University of Caxias do Sul, Brazil found that the bioactive compounds in shiitake can protect the body from cancer and inflammation.

Another study from The National Institute of Health reports that in China and Japan, lentinan injections are used in conjunction with chemotherapy and cancer treatments.

The compounds in shiitake have been shown to inhibit the growth and spread of leukemia cells and increase immunity for people with stomach cancer.

Heart and cholesterol

The three beneficial compounds in shiitake mushrooms can improve heart health. First, eritadenine can inhibit an enzyme that increases cholesterol levels in the body.

Second, sterols can block the absorption of cholesterol in the intestine. Third, beta-glucan is a type of fiber in shiitake that can lower cholesterol.

A study on mice was conducted to test the superiority of the compound in shitake mushrooms. Mice were fed a high-fat diet, after being given shitake, the development of fat in the heart was less. The plaque on the artery walls is also lower.

Digestive problems

The fiber in shiitake mushrooms can improve the digestive process. Amino acids can also function in digesting fat so that it helps you lose weight.

Decreased immunity

If a person's immune system decreases, free radicals and foreign substances can easily cause disease. Ranging from minor illnesses, such as flu to chronic diseases that are difficult to cure, such as diabetes.

The polysaccharides in Shiitake can boost immunity. A study found that older people with weakened immunity need supplements. Regularly consuming shiitake mushrooms can help boost your immune system.


Dried shiitakes are higher in vitamin D than fresh ones. This vitamin is useful for building strong bones but must be accompanied by sunbathing in the morning. If done simultaneously, bone density will be higher.

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