JAKARTA - Ibnu Jamil and his family were in mourning, after his father, Syafudin died on Wednesday, June 21 yesterday. The deceased was known to have breathed his last at 15.45 WIB.

Syaipudin is known to have suffered from receipts in recent years. In fact, when he experienced the second receipt, Ibnu Jamil's father's condition worsened.

The deceased had a second receipt. After the second condition was worse, his kidneys were also not working. We just found out in this second receipt," said Ibnu Jamil in Petukangan, South Jakarta, Thursday, June 22.

Previously, the father was also hospitalized because his condition had worsened. Then he was allowed to go home to undergo treatment at home in the past week.

On the last day with his father, Ibnu admitted that he had visited his father at home. However, not long after, his father was known to have passed away while he was sleeping.

"He died in a state of sleep (died), after lunch and taking medicine," said Ibnu.

"I'm still seeing him, I'll accompany him to eat and take medicine. Before prayer, I went home. After that, I just got the news that when I finished, azhar was gone," he continued.

Ririn Ekawati's husband also said that in recent times, he and his wife had often visited his father. He admitted that he was worried about seeing his father's condition.

"Because you're not in good health, so you often have to visit. Like changing. If I have work out of town, Ririn goes home. But if Ririn has work and I'm empty, I'll go home," concluded Ibnu Jamil.

For information, Ibnu Jamil's father died at the age of 64. The deceased was buried at the Kober Petukangan Selatan TPU, South Jakarta.

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