JAKARTA - Difficult times during the pandemic were experienced on various fronts. Closest friends and fellow citizens of this country feel it.
Natural disasters have also occurred recently in several regions, so it is better to practice an empathetic attitude to remain humane.
An attitude of empathy is good for strengthening relationships, both in love relationships, friendship and wider social relationships.
Based on psychology, empathy is divided into five types. The five types have different intentions, what are they? Check out the explanation below.
Cognitive empathy
Broadly speaking, empathy is considerate or able to put oneself in its place. For example, as if you are them and feel a feeling. There are five types of empathy, the first is cognitive empathy.
Quoting from Skillisyouneed, cognitive empathy is the ability to put yourself in the shoes of others. In other words, we have the ability to see from their perspective. For cognitive empathy is useful in negotiation or managerial aspects.
Because, cognitive empathy can be said to work in the professional realm without involving emotional aspects. The work process is more rational and logical, as it is called, only involves thought or cognition and not feeling.

Emotional empathy
Emotional is different from empathy which only involves cognition. Emotional empathy is known as emotional contagion because it has a closeness to the emotional aspect. This empathy is perceived as more honest and sincere, like the feelings of children.
This second type of empathy can be expressed by providing motivation and encouraging others who are stricken by disaster.
Compassionate empathy
The next type of empathy has to do with emotional empathy. Once you have an emotional connection, taking action, for example by helping is an expression of compassionate empathy.
Compassion comes from the words compassion or concern for someone plus actions that alleviate problems.
Somatic empathy
Somative empathy is felt when another person feels physical pain. For example, if you see someone getting hurt, you will feel the pain. A small example occurs in identical twins.

It can also be felt that when, for example, a close friend is beaten and teased, you feel the pain along with the urge to demand justice.
Spiritual empathy
The last type of empathy, spiritual empathy is more of a transcendent aspect. Or direct connection with the 'supreme being'. Psychologically, spiritual empathy can be achieved through meditation or other rituals based on one's beliefs.
Types of empathy that can be practiced in real terms are cognitive empathy, emotionality, and compassion. If someone is able to balance in practicing the three empathy, it can be said to have emotional intelligence.
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