JAKARTA - During the rainy season, some people believe that if rainwater is hit by an unprotected head, it will make the head ache and dizzy. Meanwhile, some others think this is just a myth. The condition of half-wet hair as a trigger for headaches is a mere suggestion.

Even though according to the medical, rainwater can indeed cause a headache. When it rains, the body will be exposed to sudden cold temperatures.

Rain water will make the body temperature cooler, especially the head so that the body will try to expend energy to reduce coldness. This is the cause of headache when exposed to rain.

In addition, if you examine again, cold weather can also cause blood vessels to narrow. This happens because the body's natural response to retaining heat in the body. However, narrowing of the blood vessels results in the flow of oxygenated blood throughout the body so that it is not smooth, causing headaches.

A sudden change in body temperature from hot to cold can also lower a person's immune system. Apart from headaches, other diseases such as sore throat, nasal congestion, and influenza will also attack if the body is suddenly exposed to rain water.

Reporting from the PennStates website, professors from the Common Cold Center Cardiff University conducted a study by gathering 180 volunteers during the rainy season.

In the first experiment, 90 volunteers were instructed to soak their feet in a bowl of cold rain water for 20 minutes. Then, another 90 people were asked to place their feet in an empty bowl for 20 minutes.

After a few days, they noted that nearly a third or 29% of the participants who immersed their feet in rainwater experienced pain with body chills, fever, body aches and flu.

After further research, it turns out that rainwater contains many germs that trigger disease. Many of these germs appear together with viruses and bacteria. Therefore, when it rains, you will feel a fever, flu, and experience headaches.

Therefore, the way to get rid of headaches after being hit by the rain is shampooing with warm water to avoid headaches.

Warm water can relieve headaches due to rain because warm water can help dilate blood vessels so that oxygen flow becomes smoother. Warm water can also relax tense muscles. So, your body can be more comfortable, relaxed, and sleep better.

Furthermore, how to get rid of headaches after being hit by rain is by making a cup of warm tea to neutralize body temperature again. Several types of tea have been shown to help relieve headaches, whether due to dizziness, headaches, or even migraines.

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