JAKARTA - In recent years YOLO's (You Only Live Once) lifestyle which has dominated has now shifted to YONO (You Only Need One). This shift occurs along with changes in the times and mindsets, which slowly replaces YOLO's impulsive views with a more focused and meaningful approach to YONO.
Launching from MyNews, on Thursday, January 9, 2024, YONO is a concept that teaches that one only needs one thing that is really important to achieve happiness in life. This philosophy centers on the principle of minimalism and mindfulness, which emphasizes the quality above quantity.
Unlike YOLO which encourages spontaneous behavior, YONO encourages someone to think carefully, choose wisely, and focus on what is really needed. YONO is not about life without boundaries, but lives with meaningful boundaries.
YONO's lifestyle trend has been widely implemented by the people of South Korea recently, especially among gen Z and millennials. Data from a South Korean bank, Nonghyup Bank (NH Bank), shows the number of food transactions at the restaurant for the period January 1, 2022 to June 30, 2024, has decreased by 9 percent, the specifics of Kalinga are aged 22-30 years.
Coffee consumption at cafes also shrank by 13 percent, followed by transactions in shopping centers falling by about 3 percent. The hashtag #underconsumption is also popular, with users sharing videos reflecting YONO's lifestyle, reduction or minimalist consumption.
YONO's lifestyle makes people now start to shift to more efficient shopping habits, managing finances strictly amid high cost of living. This is also based on rising inflation and low income growth.
Experts argue that saving spending is not just saving, and is a change in consumer psychology. Previous trends were focused on spending on unique and memorable experiences, while YONO was centered on rational consumption, which was seen as something needed.
YONO's lifestyle adoption is not only beneficial for individuals, but can also create a positive impact on society as a whole. The more people choose to live meaningfully, the greater the possibility of creating a more sustainable and useful curve.
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