JAKARTA - Ari Wibowo's divorce trial with Inge Anugrah was held again at the South Jakarta District Court today, Monday, June 12, with the agenda of reading the lawsuit. Taking place without the presence of the two principals, the trial will continue next week with the defendant's answer agenda.

In his divorce suit, Ari Wibowo as conveyed by his attorney, Ricky Saragih said that there was no distribution of Gono-gini assets.

Ari's property belongs to Ari and Inge's property is owned by Inge, the concept is different from Gono-gini's property. Gono-gini's property is divided into two, now this may not be exactly divided into two, there is something bigger on one side. Thus, one becomes smaller," said Ricky Saragih after the trial.

Ricky said the distribution of assets in his client's divorce case would be based on the separation of assets agreed by Ari and Inge in 2006, before the two officially married.

The separation of assets was made, agreed by the parties in May 2006. So, it happened before the marriage actually took place. So, both parties agreed and understood what the consequences were for the marriage agreement, "said Ricky.

"It is the marriage agreement that is the legal basis for saying there is no distribution of Gono-gini assets in this divorce case," he continued.

Explaining further about the agreement in question, Ricky said that property during marriage on behalf of Ari would automatically belong to Ari after the divorce.

"So, we will see later, what is the name of the property. If it is written or written on behalf of Ari, it belongs to Ari, if it is in the name of Inge, it belongs to Inge," he said.

Ari Wibowo's attorney also confirmed that there were assets in the name of Inge, which would later belong to Inge. However, he was reluctant to explain the type of property in question.

"Still. Until now there are assets in the name of inge," concluded Ricky Saragih, Ari Wibowo's attorney.

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