YOGYAKARTA A person may normally experience a changing mood. But many are still big questions, why suddenly sad in a cheerful atmosphere? The mood is a common feeling that can last a long time compared to emotions that can quickly pass and short term. Different moods may be normal, but mood disorders or mood disorders are characterized by extreme emotions and difficult to control. This can cause long-term disturbances, which are known for mood disorders.

Mood disorders are terms widely used related to conditions where mood disorders are the main feature. Common mood disorders include types of depression and bipolar disorders. Launching Simply Psychology, Monday, May 8, mood disorders affect about 20 percent of the general population. In particular, in the United States, for example, 17 percent of the population is expected to suffer from depression during their lives, with bipolar disorder affecting 1 percent of the general population.

Even though it is normal to experience sadness or grief during traumatic life events, if it continues even when the event has ended, or there is no obvious cause of sadness, it can be classified as clinical or severe depression. Types of mood disorders, attributed to mental disorders that are very common with physical, cognitive, and emotional symptoms. Among them include bipolar I disorder, bipolar II disorder, seasonal affective disorder, cyclotimic disorder, disruptive mood disorders, persistent depression disorders, and pre-structured dysphoria disorders.

Characteristics of mood disorders include losing interest in activities that used to be enjoyed, increasing or decreasing appetite, difficulty sleeping or sleeping more than usual, feeling tired, more easily angry or crying, feeling isolated, feeling hopeless and worthless, feeling guilty, easily offended, headaches and stomach pain, low self-esteem, social withdrawal, difficulty fulfilling daily tasks and life demands, to having thoughts of suicide.

The style of mind also affects a person with mood disorders. Like if you often over-analyze, for example, 'I've never done good' which turns out to affect the mind about the future. Not to mention someone who tends to blame yourself for everything that makes him have to be 100 percent responsible even though not all mistakes can be controlled, especially when it comes to factors outside of yourself. Furthermore, the cause of mood disorders, among others, is as follows.

Mood disorders are found in the family and may have genetic components. However, it can also be due to environmental factors that grow in the properties of being carried away and cause systemic problems in the family.

Likewise, the broader factor of the family, namely environmental factors that contribute to a person experiencing mood disorders, especially depression disorders. Such as life events that are full of pressure which are temporary for at least two years. Symptoms of depression can be reduced during that time.

If someone has a history of diagnosis of previous mood disorders. It is possible that they are also at risk of experiencing a wider mood disorder.

Brain chemistry can also play an important role in someone with mood disorders. Norepinephrine neurotransmitters, which usually increase passion and focus, seem to be the main ingredient.

Norepinephrine, considered very lacking in a person with depression during the bead episode. Also serotonin, neurotransmitter responsible for feelings of well-being and happiness.

Another factor that may be involved in the development of mood disorders is the difference in the brain structure in those with mood disorders. There is ample evidence that the prefrontal amigdala and medial cortical areas are involved in responses to emotions and mood disorders. A depressed person shows abnormalities in the tissue in the central orbital cortex involving gift and emotional processing. In addition, the volume of the amigdala appears smaller in a person with bipolar disorder.

It is important to seek help when experiencing mood disorders that interfere with careers, relationships, and other aspects of life as a whole. Because mood disorders do not disappear by themselves, it is necessary to recognize and anticipate so that they do not worsen over time.

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