YOGYAKARTA "Have you ever not eaten suhoor because you were late to wake up? If you have, you need to do tips so you don't wake up late. Come on, read it out.

Sahur meal time in Indonesia is generally carried out from 03.00 to 04.00 am. Depending on the time zone and their respective regions.

Because suhoor is done in the early morning, many people miss eating suhoor. In fact, food and beverage intake when suhoor can provide the energy and nutrients needed to fast all day

Therefore, pay attention to the summary of tips so as not to wake up late in the following sahur.

1. Avoid eating excessively when breaking the fast

Eating too much when breaking the fast is not recommended. Besides being able to increase your weight, eating too much will make you feel more tired and unpowered. This condition can make you wake up late in the morning to eat suhoor.

Related to this, you can open with dates and water or healthy small foods. As for large meals, share the portion as follows:

2. Sleep early

Tips so as not to wake up late the next one is to schedule the bed early.

Changing sleep is indeed a difficult thing, but that doesn't mean it can't be done.

You can try it gradually, by shifting your sleep time a few minutes early. For example, sleep 15 minutes earlier than usual. If you're used to it, cut it again 15 minutes, so on.

In addition, you are also not advised to eat drinks that contain caffeine a few hours before bed. Instead, you can drink warm milk or eat bananas. The reason is, this food and drink can make you sleepy quickly.

3. Don't exercise late at night

In the month of Ramadan, some people prefer to exercise before or after breaking the fast. This is a good thing, but exercising too close to bedtime can make it difficult for you to sleep.

Exercise can trigger changes in the composition of hormones in the body. Physical activities such as exercise can trigger the release of the hormone adrenaline that will make you more awake.

4. Apply sleep hygiene

Sleep hygiene or healthy sleep habits can make you get quality sleep. That way, you won't find it difficult to wake up the sahur.

Here's how to apply sleep hygiene to get quality sleep:

5. Put the alarm away from the reach of the hand

Tips so as not to wake up late the last one is to set an alarm and put it outside the reach of the hand or slightly further from the bed.

This method will make you wake up and get out of bed to turn off the alarm that sounds. That way, it will be easier for you to wake up when pressing the alarm button from the bed.

That's information about tips so you don't wake up late. To get other interesting news, keep reading VOI.ID.

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