JAKARTA - The latest horror film produced by Leo Pictures, the Third Figure released an official poster and teaser on Thursday, April 13. Directed by Dedy Mercy and produced by Agung Saputra, this film is inspired by true stories.

Based on the story of an unnamed woman, the Third Figure told the story of a polygamy marriage. The conflict between the first wife, Nuri (Erika Carlina) and her second wife, Yuni (Celine Evangelista) was also colored by mystical actions.

Vidya Talisa as the screenwriter said the story based on the true story not only shows a horror story, but also contains the meanings of life.

"Indeed, this is from a true story. Polygamy is a phenomenon that is often encountered, I have also observed several people who have experienced this situation. This drama is strong, the horror is too, but it also contains the meaning of life," said Vidya Talisha during a press conference at Grand Indonesia, Central Jakarta.

Apart from Erika Carlina and Celine Evangelista, this film also stars several other actors, including Samuel Rizal, Donny Alamsyah, Roewina Umboh, Dewi Irawan, Nunu Dukata, Sharena Stavania and Marshel Widianto.

Agung said he was satisfied with the selection of existing players. He felt that all players had given all their abilities to show their best, even for scenes that were difficult and dangerous.

On average they don't use stands in. Celine there is a scene floating up to the slammed itself. Erika also has a lot of scenes that are quite dangerous to be dragged around. So, I'm really grateful to be able to report them doing everything without standing in," said Agung.

SINOPSIS The Third Figure tells of a mystical incident that occurs in a household that runs a polygamy marriage relationship.

Yuni (Celine Evangelista) and Nuri (Erika Carlina), two friends who had exchanged promises not to grab each other. However, Yuni broke the promise by performing a pellet ritual to get the heart of Anton (Samuel Rizal), Nuri's husband. As a result of the influence of the pellet, Anton fell in love with his wife's best friend.

Because she often miscarried, Nuri finally gave permission to Anton to marry Yuni as long as Anton was able to act fairly. However, in the end, Nuri was disappointed because Anton often had difficulty acting fairly towards his two wives.

Until one night Yuni felt the disturbance in her pregnancy. Slowly Yuni was not only physically in pain but also mentally, because she was disturbed by supernatural things. Yuni's life turned full of terror, until at one point, Yuni was possessed and made the baby in her womb move to her back.

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