JAKARTA - The serial marriage and divorce allegedly committed by Alshad Ahmad and Nissa Asyifa were revealed to the public. On social media, there is a photo upload showing the agenda of the trial on behalf of Alshad and Nissa. In addition, there is also a copy of the divorce decision of the two recorded at the Decision of the Supreme Court of the Republic of Indonesia with case number 5361/Pdt.G/2022/PA.Badg.

In the case in the decision, there are several points that explain the chronology of serial marriages and divorces allegedly committed by Alshad Ahmad and Nissa Asyifa.

The two are known to have held a serial marriage, which is said to be a marriage according to Syari'at Islam on September 30, 2022. The marriage occurred because Alshad wanted to unite the relationship between the parties so that it was legal according to Islam.

When the wedding took place, Nissa was said to have been pregnant with a child for 8 months. The pregnancy is thought to have originated from a relationship outside of marriage.

Alshad and Nissa's unregistered marriage is known to have been held at Nissa's residence on Jalan Abadi Raya, Bandung City. Nissa Asyifa's biological uncle is referred to as the marriage guardian of the marriage.

The marriage between Alshad and Nissa was carried out by a local head named LEBE. To propose to Nissa, Alshad gave a dowry in the form of cash of Rp. 3 million which was paid in cash. The marriage was also attended by two unnamed witnesses.

After undergoing a serial marriage with Nissa, Alshad also requested that the marriage be involved, so that the cousin of Raffi Ahmad could sue Nissa for divorce through the Religious Court.

The reason Alshad filed for divorce against Nissa was because of the frequent disputes and quarrels that were very difficult to reconcile. Alshad in his lawsuit also stated that he and Nissa were never in line in building a good household. He also felt forced to marry Nissa because he was 8 months pregnant.

The copy of the decision also states that Alshad has tried to find the best solution to the marriage problem through a family deliberation involving the extended family of both parties. However, these efforts did not succeed in uniting the two.

Alshad Ahmad also officially filed for divorce against Nissa on November 11, 2022 at the Bandung Religious Court. The lawsuit received case number 5361/Pdt.G/2022/PA.Badg. During the divorce trial process, in a copy of the decision it was stated that Nissa did not attend the trial, even though she had been officially and properly summoned.

The divorce suit which was later accepted by the Bandung Religious Court judges was decided on December 2, 2022, and Alshad Ahmad and Nissa Asyifa were officially divorced.

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