YOGYAKARTA Menstruation is experienced with a number of signs. Even so, when your daughter experiences it for the first time, it means that they enter retirement. At the first time, it might surprise her. For that, you need to prepare important things related to anatomical changes, symptoms, hormonal changes, and prepare supplies when entering the menstrual cycle in the following points.

The most important thing you have to have is to stay calm. Some girls may be annoyed or uncomfortable with this sudden change. However, this menstrual cycle is normal, so explain about the development of women's physiology. Also explain that he will get safety and comfort.

Apart from above, explain about menstruation or menstruation. What happened to his physical and mental body after experiencing it for the first time. Also make sure to convey in anatomically correct words. Also, tell your child that everyone's body is different, and during the first two years after starting menstruation, he may or may not get menstruation every month. That's how his body adapts to this new change.

Also teach each cycle to be able to know every reproductive health change. This will also be useful in predicting the cycle going forward and adding important info related to what is experienced at cycle time.

A few days before menstruation begins, sometimes 1-2 weeks earlier, your daughter may feel uncomfortable or unwell. She may be more gloomy than usual, having trouble sleeping, and changing her appetite or unusual appetite. In addition, they may feel tired, bloating stomach, or slightly sore breasts. Other symptoms include headaches, nausea, and the appearance of acne also often occur.

The symptoms above are known as Premendural Syndrome (PMS), launching Partners In Women's Health, Thursday, March 16. There are many factors triggering PMS, including hormonal changes, brain chemical changes, and stress. However, some women will experience these symptoms more intensely, or known as signs of Premendural Dysphoric Disorder (PMDD). This is a severe form of PMS. PMDD symptoms can include severe mood swings, depression, irritability, or anxiety, insomnia or excessive sleep, and difficulty concentrating.

It is important to tell your daughter that the above symptoms are relative. They may experience it or may not. For parents, if their daughter menstruates for the first time and experiences pain when attractive or releases the capacity, menstruation occurs with an interval of less than 21 days or more 45 days, severe menstruation or painful cramps, then check with the doctor.

If you've never explained before, now's the time. Young girls, at first, will feel more comfortable using sanitary napkins than sanitary napkins. To make sure your daughter is ready to face menstruation at school, then prepare menstrual equipment such as sanitary napkins or sanitary napkins. This can be stored in a bag and always carried in a bag so that it can be used in an emergency condition.

Kit menstruated, including sanitary napkins or sanitary napkins, several pairs of clean underwear, pantyliners, feminine tissue, sewer bags, and small zipper bags to accommodate.

That's what parents need to do when their daughter menstruates for the first time. It is also important to monitor developments and explain what can and cannot be done menstruation.

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