Ammar Zoni Arrested By Drugs, Irish Bella Reveals Source Of Strength
Irish Bella (Instagram @_irishbella_)

Irish Bella wrote her latest post when her husband, Ammar Zoni, was arrested for drugs for the second time. She uploaded a photo of her two children and called them a source of strength.

"The reason, the source of your body. I always have a goal to get back up. Even though my mother is far from perfect, and we will not know what Allah plans for us," wrote Irish Bella.

"But mama is grateful, very grateful. Allah gives me the opportunity, every day to love and love you both. Two of my little angeles, "concluded Bella.

This is Irish Bella's latest upload after Ammar Zoni was arrested for being caught in drugs. He has even visited the South Jakarta Police and also apologized for this unpleasant news.

Irish Bella's post received support from friends and netizens. They also prayed for Bella to keep her spirits up.

"My dear spirit is that ALLAH SWT is always with you and 2 great angel," explained Adelia Pasha.

"Stay strong my dear, ALLAH always with you.. Barakallahu fiik," wrote a netizen.

"Stay strong sis Ibel," wrote Yasmine Ow.

Ammar Zoni was arrested on Friday, March 10. His arrest began when his personal driver was caught buying methamphetamine in the West Jakarta area.

After being examined, Ammar Zoni and his driver tested positive for methamphetamine. The artist has even been revealed to have bought crystal methamphetamine three times.

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