YOGYAKARTA People of Indonesia know good months to get married in order to get smoothness, blessings, and other good things. A good month to get married can be based according to Javanese customs or according to Islamic teachings.

The existence of this trust makes wedding parties more widespread in certain months. Then, what months are good according to Islam and Java?

The presence of a good month to hold a wedding party is intended as a prayer and hope for a lasting marriage. In Islam, the month that is often chosen to hold a wedding is as follows.

According to the teachings of Islam, all months are good for marriage. However, there is a month that is often chosen to hold a big celebration, namely the month of Muharram. This month is known as one of the months that has received glory from Allah SWT. The month of Muharram is also used as the opening sign of the new year, so indirectly holding a wedding this month is believed to be the opening of a new leaf and a new life.

In the month of Muharram, Rasulullah SAW also proposed to Ummu Habibah Ramlah bint Abu Sufyan and a woman from Bani Israel named Shafiyayah bint Huyay bin Akhtab. This incident later strengthens that Muharram is a good month to get married.

The month of Safar was also chosen as a good time to get married because it coincided with the marriage of the daughter of the Prophet Muhammad. This event is narrated in a hadith, which is as follows.

The Prophet indeed married his daughter, Fathimah to Ali in the month of Shafar in the first 12 months since moving to Medina. (HR. al-Zuhri).

Rasulullah SAW also married his wife in the month of Syawal. Not only the Prophet, Sayyidah Aissyah also said that Syawal was a good time to hold a wedding like a hadith.

The Prophet SAW prayed in the month of Syawal and held the first night of my life in the month of Syawal. 'Who is there between his wife who gets more attention than me?' One of the entrepreneurs said, 'Aisyah likes it if her husband does his first night in the month of Syawal.' (Hadits are narrated by Muslims, An-Nasai, and others)

The good month for marriage is also trusted by the people of Java. Several months that are considered good for holding a wedding party according to Javanese custom are as follows.

In the Java calendar, Jumadir Akhir is the sixth month. The bride and groom who got married this month is expected to be able to become a lasting couple and succeed in establishing a harmonious and happy household.

Rejeb is the seventh month in the Java calendar which is believed to be a good time to get married. This month married couples are believed to be given good safety and children. Rejeb is also considered a good month to hold other parties such as a new house party, and so on.

The twelveth month of the Java calendar is considered a good month to hold a wedding party. The hope is that the bride and groom will be covered with wealth and happiness when establishing a household. This month, usually, many weddings will be held.

That's good lunar information to get married. Visit VOI.ID to get the latest news.

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