YOGYAKARTA - Since I first heard that the bird flu virus was really tense. Especially in our country where there are many poultry around us. This time we will find out how to transmit bird flu.

Launching from the IDAI website, bird flu or avian influenza is a virus infection that spreads among poultry, whether it is wild poultry or poultry that is kept in livestock (lays, ducks, goose, or birds).

However, the bird flu virus can be transmitted from poultry to humans. Based on the World Health Organization, infections in humans were first discovered in Hong Kong in 1997. Since 2003, this virus has spread from Asia to countries in Europe and Africa.

As of 2019, there have been 1,300 cases of infection that have occurred in humans with a death toll of 455 people. In Indonesia itself, this disease is also spread in some districts and cities.

As a form of vigilance, see how this bird flu disease can be transmitted to the human body in the following discussion.

The system of transmission of the bird flu virus is transmitted from poultry to poultry and from poultry to humans via:

Symptoms Of Bird Flu

The Nature Of The Bird flu Virus

Viruses can be transmitted by air or contact through food, drinks, and touch.

So after knowing how to transmit bird flu, chicken, see other interesting news on VOI, it's time to revolutionize news!

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