YOGYAKARTA Important to know, chemistry, does not only apply to romantic relationships. But also for relationships between friends, teammates, some collaborative people, and others. Research conducted by Harry T. Reis and colleagues, in 2021 published in Perspectives on Psychological Science proposed his latest findings on chemistry.

Chemistry does not refer to the appeal or first impression of meeting. But more on the feeling of 'coupling' that arises only after repeated communication and response attitudes between two people. Uniquely, some chemistry attitudes are non-verbal and are not even realized.

Reis and colleagues found that chemistry is a concept of transportation, namely the interaction between two people where they have their goals, feelings, needs, or desires that are not only responded to but also expressed as a way of supporting and encouraging. This interaction is behavior, which can be verbal or non-verbal. Well, if in a relationship between two people, in this context a romantic relationship, the sign of a partner having chemistry is as follows:

In addition to the above signs, chemistry in romantic relationships is recognized by the presence of affect, affect behavior, and cognitiveness. This activity refers to positive feelings such as liking, attraction, warmth, attention, admiration, happiness, and success of romantic couples. When two people have chemistry, launch Psychology Today, Thursday, February 2, both parties believe that if they work together, they will achieve the success of their goals.

Goals are not only personal, but also social, lifestyle and sex, as well as work relationship efficiency. While cognitive, it is associated with perceptions to complement each other, for example in terms of goals, beliefs, values, personalities, and preferences.

In your relationship with your partner, interpersonal chemistry contributes to many things. Including interest in each other, sexual attraction, feeling suitable in terms of feelings, and there is a sense of togetherness.

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