JAKARTA - The Food and Agricultural Organization (FAO) has just released 50 lists of the world's favorite street foods. Street food or food that is sold on the side of the road, according to FAO, is defined as ready-to-eat food and/or sold in public or street places.

One of the lists is processed food made from tempeh, namely tempeh mendoan. For Indonesians, tempeh is certainly a very familiar food. Cooked in various ways, tempeh cannot be separated from everyday life.

Made from soybeans by fermented, tempeh is a cheap but nutritious food. There are a number of tempe benefits for health that the public needs to know.

As a source of plant-based protein, tempeh is a popular choice among the public because it is rich in nutrients. One of the contents of tempe nutrients is high protein, vitamins, and minerals but low sodium and carbohydrates. In addition, tempeh can also be used as a lot of processing.

According to DR. dr. Fiastuti Witjaksono, MSc, MS, SpGK, a clinical nutritionist, explains that protein and calcium content in tempeh is even higher than beef. "Even moreover, the content of saturated fat and salt in tempeh is lower than beef," explained dr. Fiastuti was met in the Wijaya area, South Jakarta, Monday, February 27.

Furthermore, the doctor who opened the practice at RSCM explained that tempeh is a super food or a superfood native to Indonesia. He also provided data on 100 grams of tempeh containing at least 20.8 grams of protein, 8.8 grams of fat, 1.4 grams of fiber, and 201 calories. In comparison, in 100 grams of beef, it usually contains only 17.5 grams of protein.

The alumni of the Faculty of Medicine, University of Indonesia, also informs that tempeh is also good for the formation of the body and digestive health of children to parents. "With high nutrition, tempeh is produced with lower energy and is sold cheaper than beef in Indonesia," he explained.

According to Dr. Dra. Suliantari, MS., a Tempe expert, explained that making tempeh is an easy thing, but hygienic and meeting standards is a difficult thing. "Especially regarding the habit of making tempeh in Indonesia itself. A number of tempe producers in Indonesia have implemented the Indonesian National Standard (SNI) and international tempe quality standards (codex). The Codex adopts more to SNI," he explained.

Suliantari also explained, in order to relieve boredom when eating tempeh, people can try various other preparations. "For example, tempeh chips, which are easy to consume," he explained. Answering this, Taro, as one of the market leaders in the snack industry is aware of this need. Making tempeh a fun and adventurous processing.

Snacks, which have been a favorite of cross-generational children since 1984, continue to innovate in following the times. Indefinitely adventure is a way of being able to invite consumers to have unforgettable experiences throughout their lives to explore new things.

Apart from children, adult consumers can also experience this unlimited adventure. Taro Tempe is the starting point for introducing Tempe, which is the pride of the Indonesian people, to be wider both in the Indonesian and global markets.

"With a hygienic packaging, this tempe chip can go global. We have taken it to a global market exhibition and China is willing to accept it with a high-protein chip label. We have to be proud, it's time for tempeh to go global," said Taro's Brand Development Dept Head, Marselus Albert Chandr.

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