JAKARTA - Ahmad Jalaluddin Rumi or better known as El Rumi finally spoke about his close relationship with Fuji.

After appearing in Media Clash last week, El and Fuji were often matched by netizens. Both of them were considered compact and harmonious when performing together.

For this matter, Ahmad Dhani and Maia Estianty's second son finally commented. He felt he had to clarify all the news between himself and his ex-lover Tariq Halilintar.

"At first I didn't feel the need to clarify, but because the news has spread everywhere and the gossip has gone too far, so I feel the need to clarify this," El Rumi told the media crew in Central Jakarta on Wednesday, February 25, 2023.

He emphasized that there was no love affair between him and Fuji.

Likewise with other women, El stated that he was still happy with his current condition of not having a lover.

"I'm still jomlo and not close to anyone. The most important thing is I'm happy, I'm actually happy," said El.

Regarding the matter of her matchmaking with Fuji, El did not want to comment further. "I will not answer that question. I will not give a statement," he said.

He realized that his position as a public figure made netizens often match him with many women. However, Al Ghazali's younger brother did not want to bother.

He chose not to comment much and focus on the happiness he feels right now.

"The problem with my match was never a problem. From A to Z I was said to be close, in fact I was still jomlo and happy," he concluded.

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