YOGYAKARTA - Bribes are plants that can be processed into several food dishes that have a delicious taste. However, some mushrooms can be eaten and some are prohibited from being consumed because they are poisonous. So what types of fungi can be eaten?

Looking for mushrooms for consumption should not be just any choice. So make sure you choose a fungi that is safe to eat.

There are many types of mushrooms that are safe to consume. In Indonesia itself, usually the mushrooms that are often processed into food are buttons, enoki mushrooms, tooximbar mushrooms. But besides that, there are still several other types of mushrooms as follows:

The word shiitake comes from Japanese which means tray tree ek. Shiitake is a type of fungus that lives in the wild. This sword has a distinctive taste. This rather dark coating has a meat-like texture.

Shiitike dishes are usually cooked for a long time so they don't get tough when eaten. This dish can be served with a stir and mixed with other culinary ingredients.

Mahitake seeds are also a type of fungi that can be eaten. The shape of this fungus is similar to the head of the cabbage. This sword has a more unique shape than other types of mushrooms because it is in the form of leaves-like sheets.

Mahitake dishes have a thinner texture. These eggs are easy to find in various processed Asian foods. Maitike dishes can be served in foods with processed tofu, eggs, and other vegetables.

Thisaccompaniment is quite popular among the people of Indonesia. Tirebars shaped like a broad umbrella. The bottom has a soft texture. These dishes are usually processed by chemical and fried using flour. Even this processed fried fungus is often used as a snack in relaxing time.

Portable eggs are also a type of fungus that is safe to eat. This sword is quite large and wide. On the head is shaped like an umbrella. At the bottom of the umbrella is blackish brown.

This dish has a slightly pungent odor when it is still natural. So it has to be washed thoroughly before cooking. This dish is usually consumed by roasting, turning, or as a complement to sauce on steak and burgers.

Shimeji eggs are also called hocto mushrooms. This dish has become food consumed in several countries in the Asian and European continents. This plate has a brown elongated shape and some of its species are white. This fungus texture is soft and the meat is soft.

shimeji dish needs to be cooked until it is cooked to remove its bitter taste. This dish is often served by making soup,ditums, to being used as a complement to the steak sauce.

The enoki dish is quite popular because it is easy to find in the market and is often served in various dishes. The enoki dish has a thin elongated shape. The end has a small shape of the head. This bird grows in groups similar to hocto mushrooms.

The enoki dish is usually processed for soupy foods. This dish is often found in Korean specialties. In addition, this fungus can also be served by cooking crisis or burning with sauce. The sweet taste and thick texture make this fungus widely liked by people.

It's safe to eat. This sword is sold at a fairly expensive price because its existence is fairly rare. The process of getting this fungus is not easy. In addition, this fungus is quite difficult to cultivate and can only grow naturally on the trunk of an eek tree.

This dish has a distinctive and unique taste. Usuallybularies are processed as an addition to dishes. In addition, this fungus has good health benefits. This sword is useful as an antioxidants, controls cholesterol, and prevents heart disease.

The buttons have been widely recognized in Indonesia. These dishes are often processed in various food dishes, such as soup, tumisan, to steak. This chicken has a moon shape and is white with brownish stains. These dishes are easy to find because they are widely sold in supermarkets and in markets.

That's a review of the types of fungi that can be eaten. These mushrooms are easy to find in supermarkets and are sold in the market. Besides being delicious as food, these mushrooms are also beneficial for health.

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