YOGYAKARTA This natural ingredient, can't be underestimated the benefits for skin care, especially for facial skin. Some skincare manufacturers also formulate honey for their products. However, which honey is safe for the skin and how do you use honey for facial skin care? Know more in the following reviews.

Honey is a useful humectan ingredient as an antimicrobial, moisturizing, hydrating, reducing inflammation, and opening pores. Each skin type, can use honey for care, but is most beneficial for dry and sensitive skin. A safe and good campus for care, is natural honey without pasteurization. Because this type of honey is still active so the benefits are optimally absorbed by the skin.

Since ancient times, many people have used honey not only for health but also for beauty. Honey is able to attract moisture into the skin and this fullness of honey benefits for the skin.

1. Clean the pores

Honey is naturally antibacterial, so it can be a good facial cleaner. You can remove dirt that sticks to the facial skin by mixing a little raw honey in the water to clean your face.

If you use honey as a skin sanitizer, it can also be useful to prevent certain types of acne due to the anti-urbal properties in honey. For more properties, honey can be applied to acne to help it recover faster.

To remove dead skin cells, you can mix honey as an exfoliating ingredient. Mix coffee powder and almond oil to get strong consistency. Then apply it to facial skin gently.

The scar tissue on the facial skin may make you less confident. For that, take advantage of honey to disguise scars. It's important you know, honey contains hydrogen peroxide which is useful for brightening the skin naturally. In addition, honey is also useful for fading black spots.

To get this benefit, apply honey to the face in the right way. So that the skin remains hydrated, luminous, fresh, and thick all the time.

According to a report by a researcher reported by Byrdie, Wednesday, February 22, it was shown that honey can treat seboroic dermatitis, atopic dermatitis, and psoriasis. Even raw honey is also useful for calming the symptoms of eczema.

Those are the five benefits and how to use honey for facial skin care. If you want to get the benefits, choose raw honey and can be used immediately for skin care.

But you need to watch out, honey can also trigger allergies. For example, for those of you who are allergic to bees, powder or bee poison, it's important to choose honey that is not contaminated with allergens. The recommendation, do a pasty test before including honey as your daily skincare.

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