YOGYAKARTA Problems in sexual function can be experienced by men and women at all ages. The problems experienced include lack of desire, difficulty reaching expression, uncomfortable sexual activity, and difficulty reaching climax. To overcome this problem, many drugs are offered. But according to research, there are important factors that are often overlooked, namely the gut microbiome in the digestive system.

The digestive tract is a complex system consisting of the mouth, cavity, stomach, small intestine, large intestine, anus, liver, pancreatic, bile bag, and microbiome. Microbiomes are commensal microbes, bacterial genetics, functional microbial activity, and the always changing ecosystem of cells, viruses, and other bacteria. Microbiomes are integral components of overall health and fitness.

Recent research reported by Psychology Today. Wednesday, February 8, showed that gut bacteria or microbiomes function as a therapeutic target to overcome sexual dysfunction. Preliminary evidence of research shows that the intestines and brains are related. These links are used to combat sexual dysfunction, improve health and sexual satisfaction.

In a controlled case study conducted in 2021, scientists investigated the relationship between certain microbes, levels of serotonin, and loss of sexual desire. The study collected samples of 24 women with hypoactive sexual desire disorders (HSDD) and healthy control analyzed using RNA genes and metabolic analysis. The results reveal signs of altered metabolism and bacterial composition in HSDD women, compared to control subjects.

In particular, HSDD women experience a decrease in the number of Ruminococcaceae species associated with sex urges and a disproportionate increase of specific species of lactic acid-producing bacteria. Lactic acid-producing bacteria constitute serotonin precursors. They are important for mood stability.

Clinical research has also revealed an increase in serotonin as an important treatment to reduce anger, depression, and stress. However, the excess of serotonin can also suppress libido and sexual arousal. That is, with the balance of the gut microbes and the right neurotransmitters it appears to play an important role in maintaining a healthy sex drive.

The erectile dysfunction in men, still in the same study, shows that the gut microbiota can regulate the male erectile function by regulating hormone levels, inflammatory mediators, and other factors. In addition to being closely related to the balance of gut microbiomes, sexual desire and function also interacts with partners, emotional well-being, neurological factors, inflammation, and other factors related to the environment, genetics, and social dynamics.

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