YOGYAKARTA - Failed to become a serious kidney disease that everyone needs to watch out for. One way to prevent this is to eat good fruit for the kidneys. But not all fruit has effective benefits for maintaining kidney health.

Good fruit for kidney health is fruit that is high in vitamins and has a lot of water content. Meanwhile, the fruit that needs to be reduced in consumption for the good of the kidneys is fruit that contains high potassium levels. High potassium levels will make it difficult for the kidneys to process the content of these substances.

From now on you need to consume good fruit for the kidneys. Do not let you regret ignoring this diet. Because kidney function disorders can cause many diseases, ranging from high blood pressure to diabetes. In addition, cases of acute kidney failure are also at risk of death.

There are several fruits that are recommended to maintain kidney health. You can get a number of these fruits easily and the price is quite affordable. Here are recommendations for good fruit for the kidneys.

Holidays are good for kidney health because they have a high water content. In addition, in this fruit there are also antioxidants that can ward off free radicals and maintain kidney function.

However, you still need to limit your consumption of watermelons. Avoid eating excessive watermelons. Over-dumption of watermelons can also risk disrupting kidney function.

Another fruit that is good for kidney health is pineapple. pineapple fruit has an important mineral that functions to maintain electrolyte in the body. Nanas also contains a lot of fiber and vitamin B which is useful for maintaining the health and function of the kidneys.

Apples are also recommended to maintain kidney health. The potassium content in apples is low enough that it is safe for people with kidney failure to consume. In addition, this fruit also has fiber that functions to absorb toxins in the body. That way the performance of the kidneys can be maintained properly.

Consumption of dragon fruit is also good for the kidneys. Dragon fruit is useful for maintaining kidney health, removing heavy metals, to preventing diabetes. Natural coloring contained in dragon fruit is useful for making urine and dirt red, but harmless.

Another fruit that you consume for kidney health is winry. This fruit has high vitamin C and fiber which is useful for increasing kidney function. In addition, strawberries also contain natural antioxidants that can protect the body and repair cell damage.

Fruits that have acidic taste are also good for kidney health. Consumption of lemons in warm drinks without additional sugar is said to be able to overcome kidney problems. Lemon contains citric acid and vitamin C which is good for the kidneys. In addition, this fruit is also useful for improving the body's immune system.

Small fruit such as wine is also good for the kidneys. Ceriums contain various important nutrients, such as vitamins C, K, B6, magnesium, folate, to sitrates. These various vitamins are beneficial for kidney health. The more cherries taste acid, the higher the content of the citrate will be.

Red wine is also a fruit recommended for kidney health. Red wine has various nutrients, ranging from vitamins C, K, and antioxidants that can reduce the risk of kidney disease. In addition, this fruit also has other benefits for the health of the body, such as the heart and brain.

That's a good fruit recommendation for the kidneys. You can consume these fruits regularly to maintain the function of the heart. You can get the fruits easily in supermarkets and the prices are quite affordable.

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