JAKARTA - Hanggini was enthusiastic about getting the experience of the first horror film at the Devil's Followers. This film tells the story of Sumi (Mawar de Jongh) who lives alone taking care of her sick father.

To meet the needs of life, he sells sugar from human meat in the village. This leaves a question mark when the villagers disappear.

In addition, Sari (Handgini) became a witchcraft shaman after her sister was killed. Sari is determined to take revenge because her sister's body was lost from the grave. These women are allied with the devil who became the beginning of her main conflict. Usually playing drama, Hanggini admits that she has to adjust various new things when filming horror films. "What is certain is that many changes that I usually go through in the drama continue to horror. Maybe from his working hours, the locations are very far away, then maybe the mantra from what I usually use is indonesia that is not formal, now it's formal. Continues, these bonds are very difficult for me, Javanese," said Hanggini when met in South Jakarta, Friday, January 27.

To learn Javanese, Hanggini had to work hard. "Wow, I used to read it every day, when I was reading, I came home in the car, I was eating at home, I memorized it again, I read it continuously, how long I didn't wait. Anyway, every day I read every day, I just read it," he recalled.

Even though he is of Javanese descent, Hanggini rarely speaks Javanese, so he needs hard training. "Even though I am Javanese, I'm not very fluent in Javanese. So there are some languages that I have to practice again, it must be difficult to have a challenge in itself," he recalled.

Sari's character, he continued, was strong but there was just a trial that made it difficult for her to get out of her fellowship with the devil. "He really doesn't want to be allied with the devil anymore because he used to have, but in the end, because someone killed his sister, he fell into the devil again," he explained.

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