JAKARTA - Celebrity Indra Bekti has been allowed to return home after being hospitalized for almost a month due to a brain hemorrhage. Even so, Indra Bekti reportedly had to wear a lifelong aid.

Roy as Indra Bekti's manager said Indra had to use a tube implanted in his body, to help blood and clogged fluids in Bekti's brain.

Previously, doctors had removed the tube aid and estimated that Bekti would improve soon and return home.

"But in the end, it is estimated that Bekti will return home with dizziness and fever, it turns out that 10 percent of the liquid is still deposited in his brain so that surgery again to install a permanent tube, the tube will be in Indra Bekti's body for life," added Roy at a press conference, quoted from Antara, Monday, January 23.

Roy added that the liquid was emitted through small and large water channels. This interval will not interfere with the movement and activities of Bekti in her daily life, it will actually help Indra Bekti regardless of the severe dizziness he often experiences and he also needs to undergo routine checks that have not been determined.

Meanwhile, Indra Bekti's sister Cipta, who was also present at the press show, said that Indra did not know this.

"I don't know yet about Indra's tube problem, if he is paired with a hose, because this tube does not interfere with his activity, the tube is also small, not big," said Cipta.

Although he still often forgets and his vision is still worrying, Bekti's current condition is much better. He is already able to distinguish colors and is more focused when speaking.

Physiotherapers continue to be carried out three times a week at home and will continue to be monitored for the next two months.

Bang Indra, if you look at the development very quickly and very beyond expectations, he is very grateful and has started to be able to pray while lying down and thank God there is no missing memory, surah-surah also still memorizes added Cipta.

The manager and family continue to pray and hope that Indra Bekti can recover completely. They are also grateful for the donations from family, relatives, to the people given.

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