Agnez Mo Jago Student Defense Dancesport Who Is Called A Generation Damaged And Wants To Meet
Agnez Mo (Instagram @agnezmo)

JAKARTA - Agnez Mo shows his concern for the younger generation of Indonesia. Recently, the 36-year-old singer defended two students who were criticized.

Through his Instagram account, Agnez uploaded a video of a pair of junior high school students who were clever at doing andcesporting in the school field who were suspected of being SMPN 1 Ciawi, Bogor.

Having achievements and achievements in dancing is not something that must be forgiven. SMPN 1 Ciawi Bogor please support them at times like this, when they really need adults to support them. Please stand by their side and show them that you support them," Agnez Mo wrote in English on his Insta Story on Monday, January 16.

According to Agnez, students who are rumored to have excelled by winning several competitions should have the support of the aekolas so that they can get more confidence to continue to improve.

In accordance with his words some time ago which criticized young people who did stupid things to go viral, Agnez felt that the second way to go viral with achievements was something that needed to be appreciated more.

Agnez said she wanted to meet the two students to provide her direct support. Through his Instagram account, he even asked netizens to help him get contact with the two students.

Not only wanting to be seen as limited to lip service, Agnez said he had assigned someone to find the social media accounts of the two students. "Meanwhile, for these 2 children (my team is looking for their IG), keep doing it, you just started. Don't let anyone drop you. And I want to meet you guys and congratulate you in person," he said.

For information, Agnez Mo once said that through his various appearances, he always wanted to set an example for the younger generation regarding the importance of a process.

"That being viral is nothing more important than being smart, being viral is nothing more important than being the best that you can do or being positive for people," he said.

SMPN 1 Ciawi also provided clarification regarding the student. "These children are students from our school, coincidentally they are athletes in the dance sport, winners of the 2022 West Java Porprov gold medal," said SMPN 1 Ciawi via Instagram.

They study and participate in the competition independently because there is no exkul dance sport at school. The viral video is a form of school appreciation for their achievements.

Not long ago from Agnez's upload, the dancer's account replied through DM to Agez MO. He can't believe he has received support from the singer who has expanded me to America.

"Omg this is genuine? Thank you very much Sis for the support," wrote the account @devinaindita.

Agnez Mo pun menekankan bahwa mereka layak mendapat penghargaan atas prestasinya. "You got this dek!". Kamu memang layak mendapatnya, dek, balas Agnez.

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