JAKARTA - Indra Bekti's wife, Aldila Jelita, closed the fundraising for her husband's medical expenses. Through social media, Aldila expressed her gratitude as well as an apology to the public for the fundraising action.

"I and my extended family would like to express my infinite gratitude because with the kindness of you we were able to get through this situation," Aldila started the statement today, Friday, January 6.

"On this occasion I would like to convey that the donation and fundraising activities as I have said before I have finished. I do not forget to express my gratitude to several parties who do not wish to be named for the assistance we have received," he continued.

Aldila also apologized to those who were disturbed by her fundraising. He feels that he still has to learn and improve himself to be a better person.

"I apologize for my previous words and actions, which made many parties uncomfortable," said Aldila Jelita.

"Actually I am still learning and will continue to learn to improve myself. For the prayers, attention and opportunities that have been given, I thank you," concluded Aldila.

Aldila Jelita drew comments from the public after holding a fundraiser for Indra Bekti's treatment. This raising was carried out a few days after the famous presenter was hospitalized.

Then it was revealed that this fundraising was initiated by a celebrity colleague of Indra Bekti, not a family. In addition, Aldila admitted that she was unable to bear the costs of her husband's treatment and treatment considering that the insurance could not be used.

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