YOGYAKARTA The traffic jams or flights are delayed due to bad weather is an unwanted situation. Especially if you don't have much time. What can be done to stay patient and calm your anxiety?

Real patience is not personality, but can be developed at any time. Restful and impatient, is a natural reaction. But if you have to wait for something or someone, consider increasing patience. In addition to reducing anxiety, learning to be patient is also beneficial for your mental health. How? Here are the tips from the expert.

Disappointedness and anger can be experienced because of certain situations. Maybe you are easily offended or restless when you are impatient. So, try calming the emotions that arise because being impatient can change things internally even if the external situation cannot change.

Launching PsychCentral, Jumar, December 30, the quick way to be more patient is to take a deep breath. You can start by practicing mindful breathing techniques regularly. This technique focuses on interesting and exhaling moments. Jam this breath pattern from numbers one to ten.

Many people don't like waiting. Often in moments waiting feels like a burden. But instead of looking at the waiting as a negative, you can try to reassess what really happened if you have to wait. Consider a moment taking time to identify why you don't want to wait in this situation. For example, if you have to wait longer it means you will arrive on the spot late. For example, the doctor is 10 minutes late which means the consequences you need to stay at home later.

After thinking clearer about the consequences of waiting, you can handle it better. For example, start thinking about calling home people not to lock the door or trying to contact people at home to help prepare a dinner menu.

Not infrequently waiting to cause anxiety. Start trying to identify the cause of your anxiety. That way, you'll be better at solving the problem. You may even find no as terrible consequences as those in the shadows. If the worst result is your discomfort, then try the frame and value again.

Technology that offers instant satisfaction does not always make you comfortable. Including when waiting. Even though you can fill your time by operating technology, you need to see it differently. In the event of waiting, consider enjoying it and staying away from instant satisfaction. You don't have to do anything, just enjoy it. For example by relaxing or completing some tasks. Or maybe doing something fun while waiting.

In some situations, you may be impatient because you don't plan the spare time well. Although it doesn't give you any comfort, you can learn to manage your time by making better plans.

Those are the five tips to be patient waiting. In addition to the five tips above, set a time limit. The way to avoid being impatient is possible by setting boundaries so that delays and waiting is not repeated.

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