YOGYAKARTA - The marriage of Kaesang Pengarep with Erina Gudono was held on Saturday, December 10, 2022. The news and euphoria of the marriage of President Jokowi's youngest son was widely circulated on social media. Many netizens are interested in finding out more about the background of the bride and groom.

The public is also curious about Erina Gudono's family. One of the figures in the spotlight of netizens was Erina Gudono's mother, Sofiatun Gudono. It is known that the mother of the bride is not an arbitrary person.

Sofiatun Gudono is an academic who is a lecturer and chancellor at one of the well-known campuses of the Indonesian Partner's School of Economics (STIE). The information is attached to the Higher Education Data Base. Let's know more about the figure of Sofiatun Gudono.

Sofiatun Gudono was born in Kediri, East Java, on February 10, 1964. This 58-year-old woman spent her childhood in her hometown. Sofiatun studied high school at SMA 2 Kediri in 1979.

Graduated from high school, Sofiatun Gudono migrated to Yogyakarta to study at the Islamic University of Indonesia (UII) in 1982. He graduated from UII with a bachelor's degree in 1988, after six years of college.

Sofiatun continued her master's or master's degree education at Gadjah Mada University (UGM) in 1999. After studying two years, he also graduated with an Accounting Science Master (MSi AKT).

Sofiatun has also studied at Murray State College, Oklahoma, United States. Currently, he serves as a permanent lecturer and teaches for the Management Study program at the Indonesian Partner Economics College.

Not only struggling in the academic world. Sofiatun Gudono is also a successful businessman. He has a fashion business and opened a boutique called Sophie Boutique which is located on Jalan Kaliurang, Kapanewon Mlati, Sleman Regency, Yogyakarta.

The besan president of Jokowi has started his boutique business since 2005. His products have often participated in exhibitions at home and abroad. In May 2019, Sophie Boutique attended the Lebaran Market exhibition in the context of the 103rd Anniversary of Sleman Regency.

That same year, Sofiatun brought her products to be displayed at the East West Economic Corridor (EWEC) exhibition in Vietnam. In addition, he was also involved in the Indonesia Expo event in Bangladesh.

Sofitatu also brought its products to participate in trade missions including exhibitions and business forums at the Russia Halal Expo event in Russia in July August 2021. Products from Shopie Boutique have also been sold to foreign markets. Exclusive robe made from ruti and brocade is sold to Brunei Darussalam, Malaysia, and Bangladesh.

Sofiatun Gudono married Mohammad Gudono on July 28, 1989. They later had five children, namely three girls and two boys. But child number two died at birth.

Now Sofiatun Gudono lives as a single parent because her husband died on July 28, 2016. Mohammad Gudono died on their wedding anniversary. Erina Gudono's father died of a heart attack at Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital, Jakarta.

Mohammad Gudono is also an academic who teaches as a lecturer at the Faculty of Economics and Business at Gadjah Mada University. Erina's father has the title Professor Dr. Mohammad Gudono, MBA, Aks, Ph.D.

That's the figure of Sofiatun Gudono, the mother of Erina Gudono. Apart from being a teacher at an economic campus, he is also busy as a fashion business.

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